To The End My Friend

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Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when Violet came up the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

"hey doctor you ok what our next adventure"

"anywhere you like I been thinking about lottie  lately I don't know what to do "

Said the doctor while really thinking about lottie  after a lot of adventure together they fell in love lots of time but he knew if he said anything he would lose Charlotte forever and he need to know what to do. Violet shrugged and walked to the console room when her phone ran she picked it up and answer

"hello oh hey polly  you ok yeah I be right there, doctor lottie  found a hunted house and someone stuck inside we need to help, and don't worry doctor I'm sure lottie  will understand if you want to be just friends you know"

"yeah mabey you right and OK least go"

Said the doctor while nosing and she pulled the leaver and they headed to where the hunted house was. Meanwhile in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth inside the box lottie  was sitting on her seat with a sigh as she could not believe she had to leave after their last adventure. The doctor thinks she dead and for her that was the best thing or mabey he dose know that she Alive and is coming to see her what either  way lottie  loves her doctor like he love her hofullly. As she looked down at her locket it started to glow which meant only one thing something had happened and she was going to find out what. So she got her sonic out and walked out of the tardis and started to walk to a big hide that was border up she frowned and opens the door and walked in when pollution run to her wonder if she OK

" you OK lottie  you need to help me they are coming help"

"OK calm down polly who coming what going on "

Said lottie  while wondering what going on lottie  walked to where polly was pointing and screamed what did she see well only one thing for sure polly  was not polly  and this was a trap but why and who behind it. As she waited for the doctor meanwhile outside the wind started to go up and the tardis landed in the leafs that where left the previous night the door opens and the doctor and Violet walked out and they started to walk to the house when polly came out really shaken after what happened

"they took her they took her soul"

"who took who "

Said the doctor while putting his hands on her shoulder wondering what going on, she hugest him and started to cry her eyes turning red as she hid her face in the doctor body Violet looked at her with a smile and held her hand out for her to take

" don't worry we here for you tell us what happend "

" they took lottie  I could not stop them"

Said lottie  while telling them what happens trying not to act evil the doctor frowned and ran in and started to look around for lottie  to see if he could see her but no she was gone

" where is she"

"well I heard the screaming in two places there and there "

Said polly while pointing to two different places the doctor frowned and took violets hand and they chosen the route to go when they see statues in the room

" don't move I get you out ok"

"what are they doctor "

Said Violet while wondering what they where the doctor took her hand and they moved very carefully through the room and through the other door to get out if the room but when they opens the door polly was in the other side

" polly  let us out thease are weeping Angel they kill us"

"yes then I have all your power even your Violet destroy them"

Said polly  while closing the door and  locking it, the doctor and Violet tried to open the door but it was stuck and they could not move it and the weeping Angel were moving  closer and closer to them


To be contained....


Back in London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth. A few miles away from the tardis stood the hunted house inside the house the doctor and Violet where in trouble. Polly had locked the door and they where about to be killed by the weeping Angel when the doctor notice a door where they came in so he grabbed her hand and smiled at her

" when I say run run, run"

Said the doctor while looking at her she noded and after the doctor said run they ran out the other door and closed it

"that was close thank doctor your my hero"

"well done time  Lord long time no see ha "

Said polly while taking off her mask to reveal Rebecca smiling away the doctor sigh and said while crossing his srm

" why am I not surprised I knew you would do something like this what do you want,"

" I want your wife power and that why I sent her back to get it but she disappeared and I don't know if my plan worked or not so yeah "

Said Rebecca while closing her arms and turning her head the doctor walked over to her and wonder why she was evil again after all lottie  did for her and this is how she repaid her

" what happened to you Rebecca you where so kind what happened "

" I ran In to master  again remember her an she turned me evil "

Said Rebecca while showing them the locket, Violet grabbed it to see master  and missy  side by side

" your there daughter aren't you "

" what hang on what your marking and the master  daughter that dose not add up she hated him "

Said the doctor while really confused as master  and missy  did not really get on so he was confused why this was happening. Rebecca smiled and walked to the stairs where there angeks where standing

" yes well they are my parents and mabey they had their differences but they are my mum and dad. But I know what you thinking you meet my mum and dad well they my real parents master  and missy  are like adopted family but then after the war my parents left me a note saying that they were not my really parent. I could not believe it so I looked for my family when I saw merlin and morgana who where my real family and that how's it been "

" OK I'm really confused now "

Said Violet while not really following what was going on but this before the doctor could reply Rebecca turned to them and sent them back in time where did they go least find out. As they headed to where ever they are going in another time in Cardiff  the sun was shining like a gem in a stone the blue sky shone through the clouds onto the castle below as you walk down the path there stood the market selling thing to people going past lottie  had just arrived and was headed in to the castle when she see master  in the distance she run to him and shout to get his attention

"master  hey how are you long time no see huh"

"lottie  oh my what you doing here you got sent back in time to well least you here cone missy  would love to see you again "

Said master  while holding her hand, she smiled and they headed to his house which was near the gates of the castle. As you go in the hole place was full of pictures missy  was sitting on her chair reading a book when master  came in

" ah my love I'm home lottie  here"

"ah my darling how are you and lottie  good to see you come sit "

Said missy  while getting of her chair to kiss master on the cheek and to shake lottie  hand, she frowned a bit but sat down anyway and looked at a picture of Rebecca on the wall

" is that Rebecca "

" yes our daughter you meet her right "

Said master while showing her the picture lottie  could not believe this was happening Rebecca was their daughter this was impossible but aparently not she stood up and turned to the window

" oh wow OK well I did not see that coming that some secrets master  "

" yeah I'm sorry about that it's not what we wanted but unfortunately she turned evil again we have not seen her since "

Said missy  while touching master  arm, lottie  turned round and said in anger and rage

" you made her like that she turned evil because you wanted my power don't you dear thing your going to get it "

" what it was not our fault she did it on her own "

Said master  as he could not believe lottie  would at that bit before missy  could say anything lottie  had gone out the door missy frowned at him wondering what that was about

" what was that about "

" not sure I'm sure she did not mean it cone on least go and find her "

Said master while taking missy  hand and they headed outside to look for her but when they got outside lottie  had already gone master  shrugged and they headed back inside. As they did that down the path lottie  was really upset about what happened and was talking to herself when the doctor apeard in front of her eye smiled and hugeded her tight

" I'm glad you OK I mist you"

"doctor  I'm so glad you here wait oh no "

Said lottie  while grading her locket that was round her neck it was glowing again she turned round to see dalek coming from all sides she smiles at the doctor nervous

" to the end my friend "

" to the end "

Said the doctor while taking her hand and they both walked to the dalek ship to fight them but will they destroy them before they beam up all the people least find out.

To be contained.......


Back in Cardiff the sun was shining like a gem in a stone the blue sky shone through the clouds onto the castle below as you walk down the path. Market where all along the path selling people things for the year ahead a bit further down the path the doctor, Violet and lottie  where walking towards the dalek ship that just landed at the gates of  Castle Violet knew this was not going to be easy she seen the dalek lots of time .

But this was still scary but she knew the doctor would be by her side and she cared for him gravely, she told him about being his daughter but it did not seam to affect him mabey he lost his momories again mabey he thinking about it either way she was glad to be back fighting with her dad

" doctor we fight together and we never alone"

"exactly Violet come on together we fight never to fall "

Said the doctor while holding both their hands and they walked to the door of the ship lottie  got out her sonic and opens the door smiling as she did it

" well I thought that would be harder to get in then I realised "

" yeah I agree it seams to easy be on your guard I go first "

Said the doctor while going in he knew it was a trap and easy access to the door and it opened the door seamed to easy. He thought the dalek would try and put a big challenge for them but mabey they wanted them to get in the ship what ever the reason they where about to get in further. When one of the dalek puppet grabbed the doctor and started to drag him across the floor lottie  tried to get to him but she was grabbed to

" doctor  leave him alone you monster "

"lottie  its OK I be fine stay safe for me please "

Said the doctor while shouting out to her, she noded and watched as the doctor got carried away from her she tried to brake free. But the grip was to strong and she fell to her knees the head dalek came towards her and looked at her in the eye

" your husband will be changed and so will you put her in the same room and let him watch his wife die"

"yes sir "

Said the dalek puppet as they drag lottie  to the room where the doctor was, but when they got in the room the doctor looked up to see lottie come in he smiled. But when she was out in the chair his smile dropped they wanted both of us he thought but why well he was about to find out. After they put lottie  in the chair the dalek puppet pulled the leaver and it started to change lottie  the doctor could not watch this was to much for him he just lost his wife again and he did not like it

"leave her alone you got me let her go please she my wife let her go"

"no her on our side we be unstoppable the change in complete let her out "

Said the head dalek while looking at lottie body lifeless in the chair, the dalek puppet noded and opens the doors to the chair and lottie  fell out on the floor. She opens her eye and stood up and faced the doctor her eye red and evil the doctor bowed to her and said while dropping his tongue on the floor

"I'm sorry lottie "

"what he done no no nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stop him "

Said the head dalek while watching lottie  get in pain after the doctor dropped his ring he knew this would work but it felt like he was killed her but as the door opens to his chair he ran to her holding her in his arms

" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i love you "

"and I love you my lottie "

Said the doctor while leaning in and kissing her on the lips as he did that a light filed the room and started to destroy the ship. Violet jumped up and down she could not believe it work and she was glad he loved lottie  again

" he did it yes go on doctor"

She smiled at him watching him kiss her as the light faided lottie  eyes opened and she looked down at her hand nd her ring had gone she got up and felt her heart

"you cured me I'm fully time Lord thank yoy"

"your welcome my love and I always love you my lottie  "

Said the doctor while helping  her up she smiled and with that they headed back to the tardis and travel to their next adventure through time and space. But what they did not see was one of the dalek puppet picked up lottie. and the doctor ring and smiled

"this is not over time Lords we will have our revenge".

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