A Romantic Day Gone Wrong

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Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when lottie  came down the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space,

"so doctor where we going today"

"well I was thinking we could go to a desert island or go on adventure a special one "

Said the doctor while looking up at her with a smile happy she traveling with him she grin and she pulls the leaver and they headed to their next adventure through time and space. As they headed through space on a desert island a pirate ship was parked on the sand and pirate cone out and head to find their treasure when there is some music in the air. They all sway backwards and forwards and they walk towards the noise which makes them fall asleep and the spiders come and finish the job, a mermaid came out of the water and smile

" you never find the treasure of the time mermaid"

"Spiders stand guard"

And the mermaid disappeared and left the spiders guarding to tell her if anyone was coming as they did that a few miles away from where the spider were the tardis landed on the sand. The door open and kara and the doctor walked out and looked around

" where are we doctor "

" looks like a desert island come on least look around oh what that over there "

Said the doctor while seeing something in the corner of his eyes and he walked towards where the spiders where lottie  followed and they wonder why they where here

" hello again why you here"

"oh no the doctor stay away from us we here guarding the sea so no one can find the time mermaid and steal her treasure "

Said the spiders while telling the doctor why they are there, the doctor was a bit confused about what was going but before he could do anything. A voice that was signing filled the air with song but he could not hear anything but lottie  on the other hand was trying not to sleep

"sing me to sleep"

"don't sleep please oh no". 

To be contained....


Previous the doctor and lottie  where headed to their next adventure so they head to a desert island but before they get there on the island pirate where landing on the sand trying to get the treasure of the time mermaid. But when they landed on the sand the spiders come out of nowhere and they kill them and we see the mermaid and leaves the spiders to guard them. A few miles away the tardis lands and they walk out and see the spider but when they got there the voice in the background sang kara to sleep what will happen next least find out. 

Back on the desert island the doctor was holding lottie  in his arms with a frown on his face wondering what going on

"what going on why can't I hear it"

"it's only for human not time Lords hello who are you "

Said the mermaid while coming above the water smiling at him, the doctor looks at her with a smile and walks to her and wonder what she done to lottie

" what you done to lottie  "

" my song send people to sleep but I'm a time Lord so it dose not affect them so I guess you the only one left "

Said the mermaid while smiling at him glad to see him as she thought she was the only one left but she was glad to see him

" well sorry about this mess thease people where coming for the treasure of the time mermaid so that why the spider attacks I need help we make a good team doctor"

"yeah but I'm married sorry but we could make a good team anyway please wake my friends up"

Said the doctor while stepping up walking back to his friend the mermaid smiles and sings and lottie  wakes up

"what happened doctor oh who are you"

"I'm the time mermaid and don't worry your safe now doctor as a good team member I want to give you this "

She picked her hand and gives him a necklace he took it and smiled wondering what it was and her name

" what is this and what your name before we go "

" it the treasure of the time mermaids and my name Charlotte goodbye for now "

She said while swimming off into the water the spider followed and they all disappeared. The doctor looked at locket with a shocked look on his face after what the mermaid just said

" what that was Charlotte that was a surprise"

"yeah it was but what this crystal oh well least go home"

Said lottie  while smiling away while looking at the necklace the doctor smiled back and they headed back to the tardis and went to their next adventure through time and space. But the necklace the mermaid gave him was more then just a treasure it was something more but what is it least find out. 

*************************Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was sitting on the chair asleep with a book on his head lottie  was coming up the step and said while lifting the book off his head and asked him where they were going for their next adventure through time and space

"so doctor where we going today"

"hello lottie  sorry I was asleep then hum mabey we could go to London for a little trip "

Said the doctor while smiling at her while walking to the leaver and pulled it and they headed to their next adventure through time and space. In London the city was bussing with people shopping and laughing through the time as children play football in the park having fun being off school for a bank holiday. A blue box was parked on the corner of the path like a statue on a plinth outsethe box the doctor was waiting for lottie  when he see Charlotte walking past him he smile and straight his box tie and lowers his head to her

"hello miss lovely day"

"yes it is good morning sir "

Said Charlotte while smiling back at him and walked to the box and looked around

" what is this thing "

" it's called the tardis t-a-r-d-i-s time and relative dimensions in space "

Said the doctor while telling her what the box was as she looked round it in shock

"its looks a bit small though"

"look inside "

Said  the doctor while operning the door and reviling the tardis her face light up with shock as she noticed the tardis was bigger on the inside then the out. But the beauty of the tardis wowed her so she walked in and looked around

" it's bigger on the inside then outside "

" yeah it is may I introduce lottie  my lover  this is Charlotte "

Said the doctor while introducing her to lala who was sitting on the step putting her shoes on, she smiled and stood up and shock her hand

" pleased to meet you Charlotte you to  "

" um "

The doctor blushed a bit and walked to lottie with a smile she blushed back and touched his cheek

" you first "

The doctor kissed her and lottie  kissed back and they kissed more and more Charlotte took a picture and smiled

" aww love is beautiful least go for another adventure somewhere romantic "

Charlotte pull the leaver and they headed to their next adventure through time and space. 


Up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the tardis it was hovering above earth at its protector and hero. Inside the box the doctor was fixing the bottom of the console out when Charlotte  came down the step and said while wondering where they going this time for their next adventure through time and space

, "so doctor where we going today you taking lottie  somewhere romantic"

"haha mabey Charlotte I got a idea "

Said the doctor while getting up from the swing and ran up the stairs to the leaver and pulled it. As he did that lottie  walked down the step and smiled at the doctor after their kiss she been loving ever minuets with him and she hoped they have a long relationship together so she walked to the doctor and touched his hand

" hey so where we going"

"surprise my love "

Said the doctor while spinning her around and kissing her on the cheek and they went to their next adventure through time and space. As they did that a few miles away from the tardis a planet that was made out of crystal clear like glass on the planet the tardis landed on some grass that was just put there like a red carpet. The door opens and the doctor came out while closing lottie  eyes and smile lottie could feel the crystal below under her feet she gigged and smiled

"where are we"

"open your eyes "

Said the doctor removing his hand from her face, she opens them and her mouth was in shock she could not believe she was here the most beautiful place ever.

"thank you "

Lottie  touched his chest and started to move a bit more further down the crystal Charlotte smiled and walked towards him wondering what he thinking

"hey doctor you love her don't you "

"yeah I know I'm excited I'm going to kiss her again "

Said the doctor while smiling away and he walked over to lottie  and held her hand and kissed lottie  and put her arms behind his back and pulled him in and they kiss and kiss. The doctor smiled and pulled away and looked up at the crystal hanging up in space he lifted his hand a picked one and out it in her hair and touched her cheek

"your as beautiful as this diamond fit your eyes  and I love you forever"

Lottie  could not believe her luck she had her love forever and nothing was going to ruin that or so she thought, they where about to kiss again when a ship few above them

"what that"

"cyber ship "

The doctor said as he looked up to see a metal ship in the sky Charlotte was about to run to them when a beam came down and beams them up to the ship

" doctor ".

To be contained...


Previous the doctor meet Charlotte again for the first time in one of many versions but this time he takes her and lottie  to another planet made out of crystal they have lots of fun and lottie  and the doctor falling in love more and more. But as it seams normal the cyber ship came down and beams them up to their ship will they get out least find out geronimo. 

Back up in space the sky was as black as a black hole the hole sky was full of stars shining in the darkness along the dark sky stood the cyber ship. The ship was hovering near the moon ready for it next attack on the earth and destroy the world as you zoom in to the ship the doctor and lottie where tight to a chair with straps around their feet and wrist lottie  opens her eyes to see the doctor was asleep she whispers to him to see if he OK

" doctor  you ok wake up"

"he can't hear you lottie  no matter how much you try now we going to convert you and he never see you again "

" don't convert me who are you anyway "

Said lottie  while wondering what going on and who was talking as she did not want to get converted. The figure in the shadow cane out and it was francesca she smiled and walked closer to lottie  and pulled the leaver but then she threw the doctor out into space and smiled

"hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahhaahhahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhhhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhaahaha lottie  is our ready the plan "

As  they hatch their plan meanwhile on the crystal planet Charlotte was sitting on the floor when the doctor fell down as hard as a rock on the ground Charlotte ran to the doctor wondering if he ok

" you OK doctor "

" ow what happens "

Said the doctor while getting up while looking around lottie  was not there and he was really worried now as he thought he lost his wife forever

"I lost her haven't I  Charlotte "

"I'm sure she OK doctor don't you worry "

Said charlotte as she put her hand on his shoulder and smiled they where about to go to the tardis when lottie  fell from the sky and onto the floor, the doctor and Charlotte ran to her and they wonder if she ok

" you OK lottie  what happened "

" I don't know but I'm glad I'm with you matt least go home "

Said lottie  while kissing him on the cheek he smiles and they go into the tardis for another adventure through time and space. But what they did not notice was that lottie  was still on the ship and she was ready for francesca last plan but what is it least find out geronimo.

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