Followers - this is really important

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Trigger warning: some swears.

So I know lately I've been doing good on the entire update schedule and such, I even got started on a new story that I'm REALLY happy writing currently.


This update is really important, and you'll see why.

As most of you know, I have Bipolar I disorder and a few other things like schizophrenia. Lately, I've been getting severely harassed.

I know what you're going to say "guacamole you're amazing! don't listen to them! just block them and keep up with your work."

that's all good and I really appreciate your support.... but I've tried blocking them, reporting them, you name it. I stopped thinking about it and stopped paying attention to it but.... that's not the only issue here.

See I have this issue currently where something happened between someone close and myself, and it's making my manic bring me to an extremely low state at the moment. I've been crying, not sleeping, and finding it hard to eat too. It's been affecting me because I don't want to leave my house at all because I don't even have enough energy to stand up for more than 2 minutes without feeling utterly exhausted and just tired, let alone get up and actually get dressed. Simply doing laundry is a huge chore for me at the moment.

I know you're all supportive of me and all, but I just.... I'm struggling so much and I can't handle it anymore. I'm coming out to my therapist more today because I found myself having a passing thought that I really SHOULDN'T be having, and my anti depressants can only do so much.

"But what does that have to do with wattpad?"

I'm staying away from media other than discord to talk to a select few people, but I'm avoiding most all other types of media for a while. I really need a break for my own mental sanity's sake. I'll still be updating ... just a lot more slowly than I've lately been doing. Please be patient with me, I'm honestly trying.

My inboxes and story comments are closed for requests until I'm back.

That all said, 

I have a message for all of you.

It's NEVER okay to bully someone, I don't care HOW much they hurt you - how much they hurt someone else... report it but NEVER EVER bully someone back! that's not going to do anything but make you equally as horrible. It cuts deeper than you can imagine, and please... I'm pleading with you here - don't bully or harass someone on the basis of their mental illnesses please. Don't hurt and use someone, because that's going to severely fuck the person up in ways that you'll NEVER be able to fully comprehend. I don't care if you think you're a "troll" or not, that's not okay. You don't know who you're talking to, what their limits are, or anything else about them other than what you see. 

Please play nice to each other and just leave each other alone if you don't like someone, don't send pictures of yourself doing things that you KNOW aren't appropriate for where you're sending them to. I had an incident where someone took a self mutilation photo off of google and sent it to a server I'm in, and it triggered literally almost everyone. I deleted it, but let this be a lesson to you. 

Until further notice... it's been fun I guess...

GucciiGuacamole signing off.

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