8. Gone with the fire

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8.       Gone with the fire

1. Night fell over the city of Hell as Dan stood in the front yard of Lucifer's palace smoking a cigarette. He felt he was beginning to click with his host on a personal level rather than a merc who was needed for menial investigations. It seemed like an ordinary night, with Dan preforming the ordinary act of smoking on a warm night by the lava coast. To Dan, nothing in this world felt or seemed ordinary. With demons, talking animals and other beings of unknown abilities, Dan felt an air that something would happen in the near future. While the cigarette smoke wafted into the air, a sudden rumble shook the ground near Dan, as if a small earthquake was hitting. The rumbles caught the attention of a concerned Lucifer, who rushed outside to see what was going on.

"Dan, what did you do?" Lucifer scowled.

"this isn't me" Dan responded as a bright flaming circle manifested in front of them, in turn creating a floating portal of fire and plasma before a man walked through, dressed in a red cloak, brown shirt and dark green pants. He was tall, brown haired and carrying a flaming torch as he walked through the portal, whereupon the portal flames sped back into the torch.

"don't fear me, just thought I would stop by. Who the hell are you two?" the man asked.

"Lucifer. Dan, and you?" Lucifer pointed to all the names.

"Gelwin Deary. Apologies but I was just in the neighborhood and...dear god" the man was interrupted by the hybrid face of Dan. Both Lucifer and Dan were curious of the newcomer for some reason.

"you are still alive. I can smell it, fresh human" Lucifer saw as Gelwin took the cloak off his head, where he bore no scars of his past sins or anything indicating he was dead.

"yep, blood and all. What are you, an angel, demon, what?" Gelwin pointed to Dan.

"I am a Purgatorian. Seeing as how you got here, I thought you knew that already" Dan raised an eyebrow to the stranger.

"sorry, you've got this all wrong. That little thing I just did is a Hell portal that can get me down here. I'm just unsure of where I am. This looks different from when I was in Hell the last time" Gelwin concurred.

"wait a minute, who exactly are you?" Lucifer addressed Gelwin with a blocked question.

"I didn't expect a city here so soon. What year is it?" Gelwin asked.

"2010" Dan and Lucifer spoke in unison, surprising Gelwin.

"there's only one logical explanation. The Hell portal has taken me to a different version of Hell. Sorry about all this. I seem to have come from another dimension. I am a friend of Satan, and I hope I am still an honorary demon in this universe" Gelwin called.

"how do you know my father?. He told me of a man who once saved his life, but I thought it was only a bedtime story" Lucifer said.

"damn, Satan had a kid?. Now I've seen everything". Alright, to put a long story short, I'm from a different dimension, and I'm a sorcerer who does magic and all that stuff" Gelwin told the two in a comment that made Lucifer think more about his heritage.

"the last time I checked, humans only do magic tricks poorly. There are no sorcerers in the human world" Lucifer explained.

"amazing, a reality where I'm the only magic man and also in the future" Gelwin plodded the garden in awe of where he was.

"so, if you're in the wrong universe, why don't you just head back through that portal thing?" Dan questioned.

"I could in a heartbeat, but this is an opportunity that shan't be missed. I need you two to tell me everything you know about this reality, and in exchange, I will give you whatever you want" Gelwin bargained.

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