28. Raising Heaven and Hell

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28. Raising Heaven and Hell

1. There were only three days until Blood Moon Day and the disaster of the final battle that was to beset the world, but Dan found himself in a very unusual place watching a very unusual sight. He had travelled to the human world to the ancient city of Babylon in what is now Iraq, his mask and suit getting sandblasted by the relentless desert around him. He was spying on what appeared to be the Arch-Angel Elodie with several other angels by the ruins of the Tower of Babel, the giant artefact of an ancient time that was singlehandedly responsible for causing the great feud that affected the relations between the four realms at present.

After another visit to the Anubis library back in Hell, Dan had found out that the location where the final battle was meant to occur at was at Babylon. Now, Elodie sported a suit of golden armor while their white-robed sentries scouted every rock around the ruined base of the tower, like a pyramid half-buried in sand. He tried to keep his distance and stay out of sight whenever he saw a soldier come nearby. The main thought passing through his mind was why they were all there in the first place. Angels did not usually visit the human world, so why did they come. Eventually, Dan decided to escape with a flash that was told off as a mere mirage played by the desert on Elodie and their company. Dan would head back to Hell with his findings and try to find Lucifer as soon as possible.

2. After returning from the ruins of Babylon to Heaven, Elodie dismissed their troop of angelic foot soldiers and called for a meeting in their palace. Within the hour, several of the Arch-angel's most competent dwarf craftsmen were accompanied by a group of Renaissance inventors wearing baggy striped tunics and sloped berets.

"men, there are only two days left until the final battle is to commence, which is why I need your help" Elodie sat on their small throne.

"what do you require?" one of the inventors asked.

"I require you to construct these. As many as you possibly can. You have the powers that be at your side, so I expect a fine eye to detail and most importantly precision. With your combined forces, Heaven will reign supreme" Elodie clicked their fingers, summoning a long meeting table from the palace floor, along with several scrolls concerning blueprints of wooden wheeled war machines that both the dwarves and inventors had become accustomed to over many years of service to Elodie.

"it can be done, master. They will be battle-ready on the day" one of the dwarves spoke while twirling the schematics into a loped satchel. Elodie then dismissed the crafters before calling in a scribe.

"send this to Lucifer for me, wouldn't you?" Elodie ordered the scribe who went to dispatch the letter. The message had written for Lucifer to meet Elodie in Babylon tomorrow, one day before Blood Moon Day.

3. Back in Hell, Dan immediately returned to Lucifer's palace to tell him what he had seen in Babylon. Lucifer too was intrigued and curious as the chance of angels coming to Earth on their own accord was very outlandish for their kind. They usually had no desire to leave Heaven as they already had whatever they could ever ask for. The news was so important, it made Lucifer dash over to Satan's citadel in order to tell his father of the sighting of angels on the soon to be battlefield of Babylon.

Perhaps they were surveying the land or the Tower of Babel. In response to this supposed insurgency to Earth on behalf of the angels under Elodie, Satan climbed to the top of his citadel and issued a howl to call those willing to fight the final battle up to the citadel before the Hell portal opened. Dan travelled to Purgatoria to revisit the oracle on the outskirts of camp Liberon. The man was once again facing out onto the infinite ocean meditating.

"excuse me, oracle" Dan spoke first.

"what do you require?"

"I know you know much, so answer me this then. Who created the Tower of Babel?, because it was sure as hell not the humans" Dan told the oracle.

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