27. Paradise found

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27. Paradise found

1. Up in the vast open spaces of Heaven, the Purgatorian Dan had come to the golden gates leading into paradise. He had important questions that were apparently only answerable from the king of Heaven after the gates. With the coming battle, there were still many questions in a sea of questions, because at this point, life was full of questions.

"oh, hey, you're back" the guardsman of Heaven Destiny waved to Dan.

"hi Destiny. I really need to see God" Dan asked a favor.

"no problem" Destiny unlocked the gates and the clouds parted to reveal God sitting on a white stone throne.

"ah, the one they call Dan, you have returned. What can I do for you?" God looked down.

"I was just wondering, with Blood Moon Day only a few days away, is there any way possible of you trying to make peace with the peoples of the other realms?" Dan questioned.

"hah, impossible my boy. The prophecy is set down in stone, there is nothing that can prevent it from happening. It is a binding destiny that awaits us all, even me"

"well, that sucks. There are also the Tainted in Hell that you can't kill because their soul is already being darkened to death. Is there any way that they could be cured?" Dan continued with growing pessimism.

"those unfortunate souls unlucky enough to see Satan's most powerful punishment can be cured indeed, but only by the complete opposite of the power used for the Oblivion execution. That power would be the power wielded by the ruler of Heaven, who you are looking at"

"I don't understand, there's always another way to do these things. We don't have to kill each other" Dan objected to an accepted fate on God's part.

"I wish it were that way Dan, but it seems that the final battle will be the only way to end the cold war between our realms. Then a new order will prevail in the cosmos, be it of light or darkness, what is important is that some will survive the coming battle"

"what about the people in the mortal human world?" Dan wondered.

"unnecessary casualties of the final battle, some may survive if they stay far away from the slaughter, but their fates even now remain uncertain"

"well, thanks for helping, I guess" Dan waved back before God. He needed to find answered elsewhere, and the place he thought would have supplied them had given nothing at all and was not willing at all to seek peace to save countless lives from certain death.

"anytime" God disappeared back into the clouds as Dan vanished in a puff of smoke.

Inside the wide open palace of Elodie in Heaven, the Arch-angel was attempting to find some much needed information by sifting through paper scrolls with their close associate Orifiel.

"have you found anything on him yet?" Elodie asked from one side of their long desk.

"I think so. Here, he calls himself the Mad King. King of france in the fifteenth century. It says he is a total whack job in every sense of the word. Despite his chronic insanity, he managed to get into Heaven through his pious devotion to your boss, God" Orifiel showed a paper to Elodie.

"business partner, not boss. So where does he live?" Elodie corrected Orifiel.

"it varies. He regularly heads into people's homes and claims them as his own before being evicted abruptly. The last time he was seen was in the nature garden, where he declared himself king of the beasts" Orifiel sieved through more scrolls.

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