Why Did We Stop Being Friends?

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Danika's P.O.V

It's my first day back since my grandpa had passed, it's still swelling on my heart.

Even though it's been about a week since I've been at school, everyone had kept me aware of the drama. The fight between Justen and Derrick, Rohnnie's attempt.

All of my old friends seemed to get into alot of issues with eachother. 

Only if Justen knew about Derrick's crush on Rohnnie. He told me last time we hung out, but that had been a couple months ago.

I've been skating probably about 30 minutes till I get to school. I must have been daydreaming though cause I had knocked into someone, its-

"Are you fucking kidding me, Danika" I know

That shreak from anywhere, its Issabella.

"Sorry, you shouldn't have been standing there bruh" I snicker.

"You should be watching where you were going stupid" she yelled holding on to her boyfriend. "Your probably broke my ankle you monster"

I roll my eyes and walk away from her, Dramatic much. I see Derrick his face is so bruised. I knew he got in a fight but man.

"Hay Derrick" I say, but it came out pretty quiet

"Oh Dani, how you doin B" he smirked, his smile is so cute, wait no I cannot think that, he doesnt like you Dani.

It must've been a lil till I responded "Dani? Anyone in there" he asked waving a hand in my face

"Oh yeah, sorry, Derrick got a bit on my mind" I say looking down

"Yeah, I know what it's like to lose someone" he lightly smiled giving me a hug. His cologne sinked deep into my nose. I hugged a bit tighter.

"Dani, can you let go" he was trying move out of my grip, I didnt want to but I did.

Derrick and I have a bit of a complicated relationship. He'd always be nice for a couple days; we'd chill, smoke, then fuck. Then he'd explain how we couldn't do it again cause of his crush on Rohnnie. Why cant he forget about her? She has Justen.

I wave goodbye to Derrick and find my trio of girls waiting for me.

Isabella's P.O.V

"I cant belive she just ran into me like that Jesse-bear" I wined in his chest

"Dont worry about it Bell" he smiles warmly at me, hes the best boyfriend I could ask for.

I see Rohnnie walking by, no Justen in hand. He should've known he would've got suspended, shes basically alone now. She walks past her normal friends, Derrick whistled at her. Well that's new, what's he trying to do? Get beat up again?

"Hay, Bell, are you coming?" I was so consumed in the Rohnnie drama I didnt hear the bell ring.

In first period, I have it with Derrick and Danika. I used to be so hyped to have my friends in my classes but since all the shit went down back then, we sit at the opposite sides of the classroom. They always try to get under my skin, I cant let that happen. I'm gonna be Valedictorian, nothing can get in my way.

When first period let's out, Danika "accidentally" nocks me over "oh darn, I must be a klutz" she smirks while her friends and Derrick laugh. Dont get mad. To my surprise though Rohnnie is there to help me up.

"You okay?Issabella?" She shyly smiles.

"Yeah, Thank you, Rohnnie" I give a small smile back.

She for some reason walks me to my next class, she didnt say anything. Just walked with me, whenever we looked at eachother we just smiled. Shes so nice to be around.

She said goodbye when I get to my class and dissapeared in the crowed why did we stop being friends?

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