Chapter Eleven: Sky

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I groan as I sit up, rubbing my head. Those portals are really not nice about how they drop us. Whoever is doing this could have at least waited for us to wake up. When we switch worlds, Legend and/or Wind will swear and Four will either chastise them or join in, but my companions are unusually silent this time. Perhaps they're still asleep? I look around to find myself fallen in the dirt, grass surrounding me and a rock to my right, which Legend is face down next to. To my left is one of the glowing structures Wild called a shrine. I hear flowing water, and it smells like rain.

The most notable thing about the place, is the absence of most of my teammates.

"Legend? Legend, wake up! Are you okay?"

"Mmm........ fuck off, Blaze, gimme five more minutes........"

What? Who's Blaze?

"Legend, it's Sky. You need to wake up, everyone's missing!"

"What?" He sits up and rubs his eyes, then looks at our surroundings.

"Well fuck. Fucking shit, first we're being teleported throughout time, now we're getting fucking separated. Great. Fucking great!"

"We don't know that yet, maybe we were just dropped a bit further than the rest for some reason. Lets look for them, yeah?"

Legend rolls his eyes, then shivers.

"It's fucking freezing up here."

"Really? I think it's just a bit chilly."

"That's cause you have all of those damn layers, not to mention that cape."

"It's a sailcloth. Now, do you want help getting up? We should start looking for everyone else."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it," he says as he stands and starts walking around. "Wild's Hyrule, then?"

"Looks like it. Hey, I'm not the only one who hears a waterfall, right?"

"Yeah, it sounds like it's coming from- holy shit! Sky, come look at this!"

"What's wrong? Do you see- oh!"

It seems that we're on a mountain. Where Legend and I stand, luminous blue stone marks the edge of the land we stand on. A waterfall flows from the stone, into a small pond at the bottom. Another waterfall flows not far from the pond, and beyond that is a large structure in the shape of a giant fish, made of the same stone. It is in the middle of a lake, bridges connecting it to land. There are specks of red and blue that must be people, judging by how they move around.

"It's beautiful..... Do you think the people there might be able to help us find everyone?"

"Maybe. I think we should explore up here a bit more, to make sure we don't miss anyone. Plus, there's the matter of getting down."

"My sailcloth lets me glide. What about you?"

"I think I have something that may work."

He sounds unsure.

"Maybe you should test it out jumping off of that rock before jumping to a possible death off the waterfall?"

Legend says nothing. He simply climbs the rock, pulls out a..... what is that? A stick? He pulls out the stick, jumps off of the rock, and instead of falling, he's shot several feet upwards. He floats down safely, and nods to himself.

"Okay, tornado rod should keep me from breaking my legs. Let's go look for the losers, shall we?"

"Legend, be nice."

"Ugh, fine. Let's go look for the losers and Hyrule."

"That's as good as it's gonna be, huh?"


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