Chapter Fifteen: Hyrule

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I wake up with a jolt, dreams of being chased and sacrificed fading away. I take in deep breaths, looking at our new surroundings and scanning for my teammates. Let's see... grass, path, cliff, ooo, pretty bridge, big thing built out of Wild's shiekah stuff in the distance, Twilight, river.....

Where's everyone else? Grass, path, cliff, bridge, big shiekah thing, Twilight, river...

Grass, bridge, big thing, Twilight, river...

Where are they? What happened? Where did they go?!

"Twilight! Ranch hand, wake up!"

He shoots up, hand flying towards his sword before realizing there's no danger.

"Hyrule? What's wrong? Where is everyone?"

"I don't know! I can't see them anywhere!"


He's definitely awake now. Twilight looks at our surroundings and groans. He runs his fingers through his hair, a worried expression working its way into his face, then turns to me.

"I know where we are."

"But I thought this was Wild's Hyrule?"

"It is, we have some... shared experiences. This path leads to a safe place, but the way there is dangerous," he says as he stands up. He offers me his hand, and I respond as he helps me.

"How dangerous?"

"There are a heck ton of enemies, some of them can use electricity."

I take that in, biting my lower lip. If this place was dangerous already... what if they're black blooded? We have very few supplies after yesterday's battle. I heard Time and Warriors talking, trying to make sure everyone had at least one red potion, though I don't know if they were able to do that. Looking through my bag, it looks like my last red potion was replaced with a blue one.

"Should we go there?"

"Huh?" It looks like Twilight was lost in thought.

"The safe place. We could restock and maybe find everyone else."

He considers it, pacing while he thinks. He mutters something under his breath, then turns to me.

"That'd probably be for the best. Let's be careful on the way up, though. We gotta be in good condition if we wanna look for the others, especially here in Lanayru."

"Okay. Uh... before we go, though....."

"What is it, Hyrule?"

I didn't trust any of them at first, and I made it obvious. I was especially nervous about Twilight. Out of everyone in the group, his magical signature is the darkest. But after spending time with them all, watching how worried Twilight gets over the smallest scratches on us, I don't feel the need to worry anymore. I still haven't known them all that long, and I'm sure there's something he's hiding, but I can trust him. I can trust all of them. Legend told me about how the ranch hand got when Wild and I were in that dungeon, and the same thing is happening here. He's worried, he already seems stressed. I... can't just let him feel that way without trying to help.

"Try not to worry so much, okay? They'll be fine, I know it. If they're in pairs like we are, they can take care of each other."

Hhhhhhhh goddesses above, why have you cursed me with horrible social skills and little knowledge of how to help people feel better?

I'm broken out of my thoughts by a hand ruffling my hair. Twilight is smiling at me, and I suddenly realize just how much he looks like Time.

"Thanks, Rule. Let's go find the rest, yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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