Chapter 5

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It's been so long since I last update but HAIKYUU TO THE TOP will be out in just a few more days YAYYYYY okok I need to calm down.

Ice cream mini date: 

"alright there's only one vanilla ice-cream..."konoha looked at y/n as y/n looked at him hoping to grab it first."and it's....AWWWW" y/n looked at konoha as he grabbed the last vanilla ice cream. "try choosing another flavor maybe you'll like it when you try it"konoha snickered while saying the comment. "why not you do it vanilla ice cream is the best" y/n puffed her cheeks as she tried getting the ice cream from konoha. "nope play fair y/n ...what about this, try strawberry or the chocolate flavor"konoha picked out the strawberry flavored ice cream. "fine.." y/n went on her way to the counter as she wished she got the vanilla ice-cream. 

y/n and Konoha sat in a bench swing (umm I don't know how to describe it but it looks like this)

y/n and Konoha sat in a bench swing (umm I don't know how to describe it but it looks like this)

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"it's quite comfortable feels right to talk about stuff" y/n looked at konoha with a smile. "hmmm well you're right...when did u start playing volleyball?" konoha asked y/n as he opened his ice cream pack. 

"I started really young and my parents gave me a lot of things to do with my life...I did various sports and I felt really happy...but honestly I hated how I was given these expectations I never asked for..."

"sorry is this a hard topic to talk about" konoha looked worried. 

"no...somehow it feels comfortable telling you this...I hate telling others about myself but you...I don't know I just feel about you konoha? when did you start volleyball?"

"well...I'm joined the same year as Bokuto around the 1st year of high school, I just reluctantly liked volleyball and I was pretty good at it already so I did what I did and joined sooner or later going around Japan and feeling the excitement of the competition it's pretty fun" 

"suddenly I remember something...jack of all trades" y/n bursted out laughing as she realized the name quite suited konoha. 

"STOP THAT...IT'S A EMBARRASSING NAME" konoha looked so embarrassed

"it suits you though I think it really does especially how you're really good at volleyball in all the aspects....also this strawberry flavored ice cream had a small hint of vanilla...pretty good suggestion" 

konoha was shocked my y/n's reply in his nickname "thanks I suggest pretty good stuff, don't I? should we head home I'll walk you it's getting pretty late too" konoha suggested as he threw his popsicle stick in the bin."ehhh you're done with yours " y/n gasped as she quickly finished her ice cream as she headed towards konoha as he was about to leave her. "hurry up, slowpoke" konoha turned around as he started walking. "alright alright just hold up" 

*after a talkative walk home and trying they're best to goof around without waking people up*

""alright I'm home thanks konoha for today..." y/n opened her door and was about to close the door and suddenly "wait...uhhh good luck on the festival" konoha stopped the door from closing. they're eyes met. "uhhh thanks see you" 



(they said that the same time, by the way) (=bla bla= means thoughts only)

Days passed as the festival was coming close and they've never seen each other since that day

Inside konoha's brain throughout the festival preparations:

=what did I do...would that be something she wasn't comfortable was the heat of the moment ...maybe that's why I did that....gosh these things shouldn't even happen what if she thinks that I'm a creep or I wanted to see her house or something I didn't want to but like I stopped the door and I did that...I met her eyes...= 

"they were pretty" konoha picked up the boxes that were laid out in the floor as he subconsciously said that.



Inside y/n's head throughout the festival preparations:

=why did he do that...a creep maybe...but konoha doesn't look like that...hold up why that much effort though to just say that...he could have texted me and why did I feel happy about way if I had those I would rather go bungee jumping or sky diving if that's gonna happen...what if he's just leading me on with them sweet bitter words...just like them...feeling you up with happiness then suddenly take it away from you so suddenly...what now...=

"earth to y/n you wrote down the same thing 4 times already IN PEN IN THE FINAL PAPER WE'LL SEND TO TEACHER :000" Yukie looked at y/n. "OH I-" y/n hurriedly tried to fix her mistake by doing it all over again. 

=speaking of him, I haven't seen him for like 3 days already...there's about 3 days till the actual festival..maybe I should spend some more time away from him I can't understand this weird feelings...he's just being nice that's all, right?=

3 days till the festival:

"I'll head to the library now I'll return the books I've borrowed..." y/n looked at her friends as she was about to leave at the doorway. "yeah there's nothing much left we're almost done for the preparations for the class" kaori shooed y/n out with her hand gesture as she continued helping yukie with the chalk art in the board. "alright alright.." y/n headed to the library. 

"excuse me-" y/n was shocked she wished he didn't meet him now especially how she wanted some time off with him to sort these questions out first.

"y/n- hi..." konoha said as y/n swiftly walked away and headed to the librarian as she finished her business as quickly as possible. 

=what she doing?..did she think I was really a creep...uhhh...I messed up but what now though=

"ma'am here are the books I borrowed a few days ago..."y/n looked like she was in a hurry it was too obvious...

"ma'am I also borrowed these books awhile back too" konoha said as to try and figure out y/n's actions.

=I'm bad with reading people when they don't make it as obvious as bokuto but I can't believe this girl would be so obvious with her actions it's cute seeing her try so hard not to be too obvious...I really like her alot=

"I'll be heading out now thank you" y/n returned to her calm demeanor as much as she could but inside she was screaming.

=...that was too obvious what's wrong with you...okok calm down...I got this..I just need time off and I'll be back to normal..I feel like I'm in a manga strip or something=

I haven't updated for a while now  but I'm alive YAY IT'S ALSO KONOHA'S BDAY. :000

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