Chapter 10

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There is a time skip and we all know how painful graduation is for all of us :"(( I got a few inspirations from tiktok and added a few parts to that story. 

Time skip to graduation

Bokuto and Akaashi [Graduation Perspective]:


=it's bokuto-san's graduation today...= silence filled the room and akaashi's thoughts as to the thought of a full year without Bokuto and his little shenanigans with him and the morning walks..and all the other things they would do together. "I'll be fine moreover I wonder if bokuto-san remembered today's his graduation. Akaashi went down to the living room and prepared his breakfast. To his surprise, someone rang his doorbell and akaashi went to open the door and saw bokuto. "I'M HERE AKAASHI LET'S GO" bokuto said as he looked at akaashi with his big smile and patted akaashi's head. "did you just wake up, akaashi?" akaashi sighed at what bokuto said and bokuto was shocked that akaashi sighed early in the morning too! "bokuto-san do you remember today's your graduation day..." bokuto looked at akaashi with his silly face and looked away. "'s today but can't we walk together one last time..." akaashi heart felt a tug but he knew he had to go to school without bokuto or it'll hurt more. "yeah okay but you'll be late bokuto-san." bokuto know akaashi was pushing him away. "alright alright..." bokuto turned and started walking before leaving akaashi by the door. "ok..breakfast.." Akaashi closed the door and started making his toast. 

While doing that, a tear fell on akaashi's cheek. "huh? I'm crying.." akaashi rolled down in ball and sat there in the dim kitchen with it's dim lights and the chilly morning air coming in through the window.  

Y/N and Konoha [Graduation perspective]:

y/n woke up to the alarm ringing as she remembered today was her graduation and a thought crossed her mind. "bokuto and akaashi are in different years..." y/n remembered they're close relationship..."they're really close graduation is nothing to them..hopefully" y/n said as she went to her living room and started making her breakfast. 

Suddenly a phone call had befallen y/n's morning. "we need you here now" y/n morning was disrupted by the sudden call and was distracted the entire morning but she needed to go to school happy. she'd make people worry. 

The day passed with everyone doing what everyone does in graduation. Take pictures and cried they're hearts out finally getting out of school and into the business or the dreams they pursued throughout school. It was a jolly day for everyone but y/n was out of it throughout the day even when she tried pretending. "Y/N HERE LET'S TAKE A PICTURE" yukie waved at y/n and initiated to take a group picture with the 3rd years in the team. Konoha noticed y/n the moment she faked that smile the moment they saw each other but he didn't say anything till they were alone and unfortunately they never had that time since they were in different classes. 3..2..1..FUKURODANI". kaori suggested they all barbecue for the last dinner together.

After all the barbecue and ranting Komi and konoha did about high school and how they're finally free from all that. Everyone noticed both Bokuto and y/n were quite quiet the night but they still laughed and talked like they would usually do. they all separated for the night before that Komi called akaashi to pick up bokuto and spend the night with him since he knew bokuto was feeling out of it without him. 

"bokuto-san.."akaashi said as he saw bokuto with the team parting their ways. "AKAASHI!!" bokuto rant and hugged akaashi as bokuto clearly seemed happier with akaashi and they both left the team. "I swear bokuto was too quiet today they need to see each other" Komi said the team just nodded all the way. The 3rd-years separated with each other. konoha finally can have a moment with y/n. "y/n let's go buy ice-cream" konoha said as he reached out his hand suggesting they walk together. "ehhh alright" y/n said and took konoha's hand. They bought their ice-cream and headed to a bench to eat it together. 

"y/n what's wrong you were out of it the entire day even though it's graduation" konoha said as he need to ask how she is. 

"nothing m-" before she could continue konoha cute her. "say it what is it" y/n was shocked but she knew he would do that if she said nothing. "there was a call this morning and I need to leave in about a week...My mom got into an accident...even though I cut my ties with them since I couldn't stand them and how they kept all of a sudden they need me" y/n said slowly and konoha was shocked. " why do you need to go back even if you cut your ties"konoha said as he couldn't believe the news. "my parents can't stand each other and my dad isn't responding..I don't understand..they didn't bother to see me when I was younger it was always my auntie taking care of me..they would often get into fights was hard..I guess" y/n said as she smiled to konoha. "that's a week...your flight right?" konoha said to y/n as he finished his ice-cream. "ok..I got a week till I won't see long will you be gone?" konoha said."I'm not sure I'll have to contact my auntie about how long it'll be she called me about it and told me to meet her tomorrow. wanna..come?" y/n said as she saw konoha stand up and throw his popsicle stick in the trashcan. "is it alright for me to come?" y/n nodded to his question. A sudden hug came from konoha as he walked back to y/n. "you'll be okay I'm here with you" 

this chapter is really sad but anyways see you in the next continuation of chapter 10 ^^ I hope your doing great and if any of the readers have actually had parents get into an accident I hope they're doing okay now and you too. I hope you are okay and stay safe during this pandemic and vote wisely :)) [if you're in America  since I heard it's election ryt? :))] 

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