Chapter 11

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I died again, didn't I...Anyway, let's continue this story. 

days and weeks have passed and y/n had to already:


*alarm sounds* " I got to go back to that place" y/n got out of her bed and went to her kitchen to make breakfast. everything was ready the bags and the part where she even told the landlord she'll be leaving the unit. a hundred thoughts were coming into y/n's head. she took another sigh and ate her breakfast. she honestly didn't hate how she spent the last week though. she spent time with Konoha and her friends...yes they were all surprised but they quickly understood the situation and made the most out of the time they had with her. y/n smiled when she remembered how bokuto reacted, the face he had. y/n washed the dishes and realized the memories she made in japan: the part in her life where she met Yukie and Kaori in the year she went to japan and entered high school, the part-time jobs she had to do to pay rent, how she got closer to her auntie and when she met the volleyball team especially Konoha. before she realized it she was smiling already. =too bad I have to leave and go back....sigh= 3rd sigh of the day. y/n finished up and packed up the rest of her stuff and got ready to go to the airport. 

= I brushed my teeth and took a much time do I still have..flight time is 4 am. it's...3:15 am= y/n got hurried she needed to drop by her aunt and say goodbye hopefully she's still awake. 

*doorbell sounds* 

*yawn* =gosh why did she book a flight so early in the morning= Konoha thought as the chilly wind passed him causing him to get cold. "oh your here" y/n said to Konoha as she opened the door. "you didn't need to do this you know..." y/n said to Konoha as Konoha removed his shoes. "wait it's alright I'm packing up already..." y/n said as she told Konoha. "oh...i want to come and see you at the airport knowing you, you might even get lost" y/n looked up at Konoha and before she could even utter a word. "alright alright I understand you know what to do and what not do but I'm still coming with you." y/n nodded as she completely on what he said. she continued to finish up her stuff and finalized everything. "okay go...i guess.." y/n said as her voice slowly lessen. 

This time Konoha couldn't help but feel the tingling feeling of knowing that y/n would be going and will be leaving knowing that she might not even come back or something else. Konoha was slightly anxious about the idea but he knew 2 years will pass ever so quickly. 


"sigh..." y/n sighed yet again. you see she's been sighing all day ever since she'll be going to the airport and even on the way to the airport. "that's your... hmmm 3rd sigh today" Konoha said to y/n while they both waited for the call. y/n didn't face Konoha, she couldn' could she when she can feel everything all the emotions she's been holding off since she heard the news about her going back.

- joy

- a place where she could belong

- home even (cringy but she felt it ) 

-  the thought that she could finally be happy and it won't ever end

- despite it had to come to a halt

- fear of losing home

- fear of seeing the people she just didn't want to see

- she felt anxious 

-pain...physical pain; shaking and everything becomes so painful and heavy.

everything all the emotions came rushing to y/n in that very moment as time kept moving. without a doubt, Konoha noticed all this. He knew she was the type to bottle all her emotions and once you ask her if she was okay she would burst out spilling all the pain and emotions she bottled up. "are you alright?" Konoha said as she stayed silent. she was conflicted now, should she just everything she's bottled up, or should she stay quiet and say 'i'm alright'. "say it honestly, okay?" Konoha said as he looked at the time on his watch. he didn't want to say she had 10 minutes to tell him everything. "I'm...not oka-" y/n said as she turned to Konoha and faced him. A hug "be back" Konoha said as his heart was close to losing someone important to him. he broke the hug and stood up from his chair, checked his watch 5 minutes till they really need to go. he reached out and y/n simply held out her hand and Konoha gripped it as y/n prepared herself why holding hands "come back if you don't idiot I'll come and haunt you to come back"

"Promise?" he said as he gripped her hand

The world was too quiet

"I promise..." 

+flight ***** is here please fall in light in counter 1+ they finally hugged one last time. 

she left and went to fall in line. she entered and departed from Konoha. 

thank you again to the people who stayed till the end.

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