After the war

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It's been two years since the angel came down and attacked us. Two years since Obi's death. Two years since the last sight of angels. Two years since I...... since I last saw Raffe. Every day, of every minute, of every second, my mind wonders to the thought of him. To the thought of him wrapping me and taking flight with his beautiful, broad angelic wings that I felt comfort and happiness in.

There are rumours about the night the angels came to help us. Some of the gang members that had joined and helped us , left that night feeling betrayed and weak that we had help from the enemy and that withthought them we would have died. There are rumours that the angels (Raffe and his watchers ) only came back for their daughter of men. I guess I hoped after the war between us, I could finally be with Raffe, be his daughter of man. The one who he truly loved, not one of those pitiful women that he messed around with, according to Beliel, but then again why should I believe anything that comes out of his sorrowful mouth.

How I miss the comfort and happiness that his presence alone gave me. The way we would fight together knowing he would always have my back. It shouldn't be this hard, I should be able to go on about my life without wishing he was here to be with me, to fight with me and to rule with me by my side. I know this isn't right, are love is illicit, but yet being with him, touching his lips with mine, the warmth seeping into me gives me chills. If only it was real. Yes we shared kisses but none with enough passion, none to confirm are love for each other. The way his lips fit mine, the way are body's connected still amazes me, if only he where here. But he cant be, he has his people and I have mine. We both have rules that we need to follow. What if they weren't  any. What if there was nothing wrong with angels dating humans, would he come back, take me as his, he as mine, or would he stay and forget about me and are past .

----------------------------------- The End ------------------------------------

Sorry this was short

I hope you like it, if you have anything I could do to make it better please comment below.

Lots of love 

tsuki_simp_21  x

Please Note: None of the artwork used is mine - credit link to -

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