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25 5 1

Hi guys, it's just me. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions that  I could write .

Also thank you for 15 reads, I know to anyone else its not a lot but I actually didn't expect anyone to read it , so the fact that i got 14 reads in 2 or 3 days, to me it's amazing. 
Thank you all.

love the author  x

p.s - who here has watched Yuri on ice, it is amazing. 
If you haven't watched it i really recommend it !!!!

edit - OMG, i have 25 reads !!!! Thank you so much.
Also I might not be writing much, so I'm sorry but I will try. It's just that I'm busy with school work and all  thats stuff :) xxx

One Shots - anime xxTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang