Chapter 8

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I picked at my nails as I sat at the table in the Great Hall. I spent most of yesterday laying on the couch in front of the fireplace, thinking about the recent attack. I knew it wasn't Lord Voldemort, he died. Everyone saw it and this time, there was no way to bring him back. Hermione, Harry and Ron found all the horcruxes that held some of his soul. With those broken, Harry was able to kill Lord Voldemort once and for all.

I thought over everything that happened during and after the Second Wizarding War. No one would dare to go against the Ministry of Magic now. 

I shook my head as I caught the eyes of a curious Ron. I gave him a small smile.

"Are you okay," he asked.

I nodded, "yeah, my mind is just preoccupied trying to process what happened."

Ron nodded in understanding, "I know. I thought this was all behind us, but I guess not."

I nodded and smiled as Hermione came to sit with us, apologizing about being late.

Harry and Ginny followed closely behind her and sat on the other side of the table of me.

I tried to catch Ginny's eye, but she made sure to keep her eyes fixed on the table or on the conversation Harry and Ron were having. I sighed, knowing I would have to try and talk to her later, to try and explain everything. To explain my motives.

"Do you think some Death Eaters are back?" Harry asked quizzically, looking at Ron and Hermione. I scrunched my eyebrows, thinking that most had died during the Second Wizarding War.

Hermione shook her head, her hair swaying as she did so, "there's no way. No one can be that dumb, can they?"

"Maybe Draco has something to do with this," Ron whispered, looking over his shoulder for Draco before continuing, "I mean he's all about pureblood and family. After the fall of Lord Voldemort, he was destroyed. His family's loyalty to the Dark Lord didn't prove fruitful and personally, I don't think he has changed."

Hermione and Harry stayed quiet for a moment, thinking over what Ron said. I bit my lip, thinking about it as well. His family stayed loyal to Lord Voldemort till the end, until Harry defeated him. Everyone else celebrated, feeling a weight off their shoulder. I was so relieved when it was all done, knowing I could rest easy and not worry about a surprise attack. His family, though, was impartial about it.

"I don't know. Draco may still hold a grudge, but he's not dumb," Hermione finally said, nodding as if to solidify the point.

"Who's not dumb?" Draco asked as he came and joined the table, sitting beside me, looking over at Hermione with an unreadable expression.

"Uhm," Hermione started, her gaze shifting to Ron and Harry for help.

"We were talking about the attack and that it couldn't be any Death Eaters. That, no one is dumb enough to try anything now," Harry quickly stated with a shrug.

I watched as Hermione breathed slowly, letting go of the breath she was holding.

Draco nodded, "Death Eaters wouldn't do this. I should know."

Ron and Harry nodded and Hermione looked away.

I opened my mouth to say something, to get our minds off of this, but Aubrey Hepremet beat me to it. Again, she was standing at the podium in an all gray robe.

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