Chapter 20

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I gasped, covering my mouth. There was no way Draco did this. He's innocent, I thought, looking at Ginny. Her face contorted into confusion before turning into anger.


"I can't believe he would do this!" Ginny screamed, throwing her hands into the air in anger. I stared at her, surprised that she took Valentines side so quickly.

"I knew he was acting different," Harry added, looking over his shoulder to the crowd that surronded Draco. The crowd was crouched over in front of Draco and there was some whispering, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"It was out of nowhere," Valentine cried, causing me to look back at him. I sighed, he was good at acting the part and I bit my lip.

"Do you think he's the one behind all the other attacks, " Ginny asked before nudging me forward to help Valentine.

I pursed my lips, but helped Valentine up to a standing position. He wrapped an arm around my waist, shifting some of his weight on to me for support.

Valentine hung his head, looking weak, "I thought he was a friend, an ally."

"Don't take blame for this," I offered quietly, looking at Harry for help.

Harry caught my eye and I motioned him to come help me with Valentine as he was leaning more onto me. Harry nodded and wrapped an arm around Valentine to help carry him back to Hogwarts. We stumbled through the scorched forest and I look over, seeing Draco's blonde hair. His hair stood out against the dark ground and I peeked through the professors and students to see his chest rise and fall. He was still alive and I smiled in relief.

"I believe you," I said quietly, looking at Draco and directing my words to him, but Valentine smiled in appreciation, thinking I meant it to him. We stopped at the canyon and I giggled nervously.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Sorry, nervous habit," I said quickly before adding, "how are we going to get him across. We can't use our broomsticks."

Harry nodded and helped Valentine to the ground into a sitting position. Harry quickly ran back to the forest where everyone was to get help and I sat beside Valentine.

"Perfect," he mused and I looked at him, confused.

"What's perfect?"

"You played your part perfectly and now I don't need you," he answered, leaning back on his hands for a moment. I opened my mouth to warn him that the ground was hot from the fire embers, but closed my mouth.

"Okay, so what does that mean for me?" I finally asked, picking at my nails. If he didn't need me anymore, did that mean no more spells?

He looked over at me from the corner of his eye before turning his entire body to face me, "come close."

My body listened and moved closer and I shook my head at the stupid mind control. He reached a hand out and moved some hair from my face gently.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, pulling out a small glass vial that was attached to some string. He spoke an incantation under his breath and I felt a piece of my mind disappear. I felt lost after he spoke and I looked at him, confused. 

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