Managers and Parties [Part 2]

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They started making jokes and had a good time together.
"And then I was like 'Hello? Exc-", Shreya was interrupted by her phone, which was ringing.

She took it out of her pocket and checked the name, it was Kai. She picked it up and put it on speaker.

"Hey Kai!", Max chirped.

"What's our wittle bavy doing?", mocked Shreya in a baby voice. Her and Max started giggling.

"Where are you? We have to be at the party in five hours. We should have tried our suits and booked a cab ride by now.", Kai spat, in his normal cold tone which was a first for Shreya.

"We'll be back in 10 with the clothes. Also don't get so worked up, grumpy pants.", Shreya huffed cutely, to which Max giggled.

"Grumpy pants?", Kai laughed.

"Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?", remarked Max, putting up his ring finger. Shreya giggled at the comment.

"Haha, home. Now.", Kai fake laughed and then commanded the two home at once. The phone then was cut by Kai.

"What a grouch!", Shreya and Max said in unison.

They started laughing and headed home in a taxi, chatting all the way.

-time skip-

Max paid for the taxi and took all the bags. He turned around to see Shreya kicking the door open. Then she raced the wind in.

Shreya's pov

As I went in the room, I saw Tyson and Ray leaning on the wall, sitting beside each other, talking about nothing I cared about. I jumped on them, my top on Tyson's lap and bottom on Ray.

They were surprised at first but then Tyson rubbed my nose with his and Ray tickled my stomach softly. I giggled and snuggled closer to the two.

Then Max came in and threw the bags at us. I glared at him but he didn't take much notice. He stretched and then said, "Man, were those bags heavy or what?". We started laughing at the scene.

Then Kai came in the room and fake coughed to get our attention.

We looked up and saw him giving us an 'are you serious right now?' look. We parted away from each other and sat down in a line.

Tyson's pov

Spoil sport. We were just having some fun but no, Mr. Sourpuss has to spread his sourness.

As I snapped out of my thoughts, I saw Shreya standing up. She then said, "Boys, as you know we have a party tonight. It is a formal one, so you guys need formal clothes, duh. So I got you some."

"I want to see!", I yelled in glee.

"Okay then, here you go. Tell me if it's comfortable and if you like it, capeesh?", she said, handing me a shopping bag. I nodded and went in my room to change.

-time skip-

"So? How do I look?", I asked, holding my coat.

"You look uncontrollably cute.", Shreya said, fixing my tie.

"Boys, here are your suits. Go and try them on too.", she said, happily.

-time skip-

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