Teddy Q.GxP.M x K. C🧸

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Quinton x Payton x Kio

No one's POV:

Payton has always been childish and innocent for his age. He wasn't a little, he was just regular child like. He has this teddy bear that he had every since he was a kid, Named Mr. Cuddleworth. It was his best friend and he loved it with all his heart. He couldn't fall asleep without him.

He went out with Jaden and Noen, or as everyone else calls them the chaotic bottoms, to go shopping for new clothes. He left Mr. Cuddleworth at the house with his boyfriends.

"Come on Pay let us get you something sexy." Jaden whined as him and Noen dragged Payton into Victoria Secret.

"Nooo it's weird and inappropriate." Payton whined. He knew there was no point in fighting because it was two against one. "You guys have to get something from here too."

"We were already getting stuff so deal." Noen said as went to look at underwear and stuff. "We should get Payton a pink set to match his innocence." Noen continued.

"Why not white?" Jaden asked.

"Because look at the kid, he doesn't leave the house so he's pale as fuck. White on white doesn't show up too well, I know from experience." Noen said biting his lip thinking about how his boyfriend had the nerve to ask why he was naked when he had on a white lingerie set, that stupid bitch from Germany.

"You're right so pink for Payton. You should get something black because it'll look nice on you Casper, and I'll get red." Jaden laughed as he got a glared from Noen. The two chaotic gays continued to pick out outfits like Payton wasn't even there because they're pros at this.

Meanwhile Quinton and Kio were laying in their room. "Kio I'm horny!" Quinton whined.

"Too bad I don't feel like bottoming today so unless you want me to fuck senseless, shut the fuck up." Kio said not even bothering to look up from his phone.

"Meanie- speaking of bottoms where's Payton's Teddy bear?" Quinton said as he started to look for Mr. Cuddleworth.

"We can't lose another one, fuck!" Kio said as he got up and started to look for it. This would be the 5th one they, Quinton, lost and the 8th one in general. Payton's mom lost three but she didn't have the heart to tell him. They always just brought him a new one before he noticed but they can't do it this time. Because Payton came through the door just then.

"I'm back." Payton said. "Sit down I got new clothes and Noen and Jaden said I should show y'all. So wait here while I change." Payton blushed as he walked into their bathroom.

"What the fuck are we gonna do?" Kio whispered yelled.

"Bitch I don't know!! Fucking deny deny deny for as long as possible!" Quinton whispered yelled back.

"You're a fucking idiot!" Kio whispered back.

Payton came out in a over sized hoodie that Went to his knees. "Don't laugh." Payton said as he lifted up the the hoodie to reveal his lingerie.

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