Xerus' Doomsday

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"It's been the worst day since I met you."

- Anonymous

Athena's chest was heaving like a mad man who had just dodged his prison sentence.

Her legs were forming into a quicker pace each second passed, her phone was closed up against her heart, she knew she'd get instant cancer from the radiation if it wasn't heart attack caused by the viper already.

There was this burning sensation of relief that prickled all over her upper body. She hated it at the beginning until a certain viper shouted for her from behind.

"Hey! You took something! Give it back to me NOW!" His voice tumultuous, unrestrained, chaotic even.

Xerus didn't bother if the Earth flips from it. He aches for Belle to stop, and stop she did, only a split second though before she sprinted a marathon.

She had the smallest glimpse of the real Xerus.

He was a magnificent fanciable stallion.

Even with her in this angst situation, she could not help but still gawk at his extraordinary handsome face.

It would be a thousand times better if he was still bare but it was good enough.

"Fuck! Stop, you witch! Give the fuck back!" He was catching up admirably quick.

In all honesty, Athena would be more than glad to stop and give him back whatever she accidentally took, but everytime she turn back, she found herself speeding up.

How could she not when a gigantic Pacman was on the verge of capturing her?

"Belle, you devilish bitch! You better fucking stop this shit and give back what you stole!"

Xerus thought today might be a good start for him, taking a teacher's virginity and being rather entertained by a snooper.

Oh, but how much more the world had in store for him.

The little item that 'Belle' took was a secret greater than a King's ransom.

"I will kill you!"

Athena gritted her teeth anxiously. "I will stop if you stop!"

Xerus sneered. "Yeah right like I would fall for your ruse again! You stop first then I will!"

Their back and forth argument must have lasted an hour, at least that was what they felt like.

If it wasn't Xerus being one of them who was running around the school grounds, they would have received dire penalties.

"FUCK! Bitch, I haven't got all day! I'm a busy man!"

Athena agreed. She wouldn't want to spend the whole day doing this either.

Xerus was hungry for destruction at this point and vowed to wreck her when one of them decides to stop.

He'd rather use up the last of his breath than having someone to know of what was strictly confidential. He kept it hidden so well even his pals were unaware.

Athena could no longer keep abreast with his endurance.

His face glowered in red, oxygen seemed bereft but his pace said otherwise, she cursed at that.

That was it.

Her lungs felt disconnected from her windpipe, her bra had lost its elasticity due to too much bouncing, her legs were turning noodles and she felt nauseatic.

When she thought these were too much to handle, she spoke too soon. She'd never knew the agony of experiencing a concussion until she bumped into something extremely rigid, firm but warm.

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