You have to get ready!

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It was the day you would start traveling from Florida to California. You woke up at 7 am to Nikki jumping on your bed.
"What the hell are you doing?" You ask in a tired voice
"You have to start getting ready Wilbur is gonna be here with the guys in 2 hours" Nikki said quite annoyed that you werent already awake.
"Thats in two hours though"
"Y/n it usually takes you two hours to just get ready so come on!" She said as she hopped off your bed and quite litterally dragged you off it.
"Ow Jesus" you say as you plop onto the floor.
You get up and head towards the kitchen just to look inside of the fridge, then go get ready to shower.
After your quite cold shower since Nikki usually likes to take the warmest showers for the longest time, you dig through your closet to find your suit case and start packing.
Once you finish you go and join Nikki in the living room with her packed bags as you two wait for the guys to show up.
After about 30 minutes you finally hear a car pull up, soon after a tommyinnt bursting through your door
"Ello ladies"
Nikki jumps at the random Tommy as you get up and try to offer him a hug, him refusing due to the fact your a woman. Soon after that Fundy, Tubbo, and Wilbur walk in.
"Tommy you were supposed to knock on the door!" Wilbur exclaims, obviously already annoyed at the 18 year old ((yes in this story Tommy is 18, tubbo is 17, your 19 name with Nikki, Wilbur is 20 and fundy is also 20.))
You laugh at how annoyed Wilbur gets with Tommy as you hug Fundy and Tubbo, wilbur already being to busy to notice anything else in the room because hes talking to Nikki. You all go outside, fundy insisting to take your bags to the car and wilbur getting Nikkis.
While everyone else is dealing with the suit cases you and Nikki decide where your sitting.
"SHOT GUN-" Tommy calls.
"No Tommy Nikki is getting front seat since Im driving"
Nikki happily gets in the passengers seat and sticks her tongue out at Tommy, as he gets into the left back seat. Tubbo sits next to him but pushes him a seat over since they had gotten in a small fight earlier about who got the last cookie at a café. You, refusing to sit in the very back with the luggage, squeeze into the car and sit in between Tubbo and Tommy, Tommy slightly blushing and soon facing out the window. Fundy frowns and gets into the very back of the car.
"Listen I may have to sit here but theres no one I m not controlling the music!" Fundy says, quite annoyed for how tommy gets to sit next to you.
"Ay no way dude! I m getting the aux" Tommy exclaims.
"Children stop fighting!" Wilbur tells them in a stern ish voice, which makes Nikki giggle.
"Tommy, fundy is older he can have it first you can control thr music later" Nikki tells them, not wanting to have everyone get into a fight before they even left town.
Fundy gets excited and starts playing his music, which is actually quite nice.
Tommy isn't quite happy about it though and mumbles under his breathe "stupid furry".
"Awh do we have an angeryinnt on are hands today?" You say booping tommys nose, causing him to smile.
"Alright lets get this shoe on the road" Wilbur says, Nikki commenting how he sounds like a dad.

[Word count: 607
I really enjoy doing this I m definitely gonna do more, leave suggestions on what I should do with the story]

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