Hotel rooms

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Everyone had arrived at the room well more of rooms.
The hotel room was more of an apartment with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a huge living room, a kitchen, and a dining room.
You wondered how much wilbur could of payed for this and why if we were to only stay for one night.
While you were lost in your thoughts, fundy, wilbur, and Tommy already called 3 of the bedrooms.
Tubbo wanted to sleep on the couch since it was closest to the kitchen and had a bigger tv then all the rooms.
Nikki wanted to sleep in the same room as Wilbur.
You gag as she spoke.
"I thought it was gals before pals?"
My will.." she spoke in a pitiful tone.
"Im just joking but remember
I aint being a aunt yet"
She lightly punched you in the arm before dragging her bags into the room wilbur was in.
You sat there for a minute thinking.
Tubbo was on the couch,
The floor wasnt very comfortable,
Tommy has one room,
The furry had the other.
After a minute of deciding fundy and tommy came out of their rooms.
"I m hungry" fundy complained.
"You always are"
Tommy glared at fundy.
You stood there then admitted "im kinda hungry too"
Tubbo walked up "theres a restaurant near by but that may be expensive so we can go explore a bit and find a vending machine"
"Sounds good Tubbo come on boys lets go" you say, grabbing a key card off the table by the door and walking out"

After about 10 minutes of walking aimlessly around a hotel hallway with fundy, tommy and tubbo, you find a source of food.
You walk up to the machine containing chips, candy, crackers, gum, and cookies. Next to it is one with water, soda and juice.
You look at fundy, knowing he has the most money out of you four.
Fundy hands you 30 bucks saying he wants cookies.
"Of course you do furry" Tommy continues looking at you "I want doritos the blue ones"
"I didn't say I would pay for your food"
Tommy slightly growled at fundys comment.
"Oh and you call me a furry? im not the one growling at people"
"I didnt growl! Listen here Fundy Im no-"
"Fundy, Tommy stop please..." Tubbo says standing behind you. Tubbo often tends to get scared when people raise their voice near him, he especially doesn't like it whenever Tommy gets mad because he likes to start fights. At tubbos sudden spook, tommy stops and goes over to hug tubbo, apologizing for his actions.
You use the 30 dollars fundy gave you to get cookies, chips, crackers for wilbur, and candy for you and Nikki.
You also get some random drinks for everyone. To settle Tubbo down a bit more, you hand him a lollipop just for him, his eyes lighting up with excitement and immediately taking it thanking you.
You give fundy and Tommy their stuff and put everything else in fundys hoodie pocket, which you happen to still be wearing.
Tubbo now feeling all better, suggests for tommy and him to race back to the room.
Tommy looks over at you and fundy sighing before agreeing to the race. After tubbo and tommy dash off to the room, you and fundy are left alone walking.
"Soooo" fundy breaks the silence.
"We havnt got to talk much over the car ride" you respond
"How have you been lately Y/n?"
"Eh you know the usual"
"How about you furry?"
"Tommy has affected you too much..
But Ive been fine I guess"
"Why just fine?"
"I just
People have changed I guess.. I aint got many friends. You were the only one that even wanted me to come on this road trip.."
I can be your friend" you suggest, looking up at fundy
"I would like that" fundy responds, smiling down at you.
"Your quite short" fundy breaks the silence
"Oh shut upp"

Once you and fundy reach the hotel room you walk in to see Tommy and Tubbo fighting over who gets a fuzzy blanket they found in a closet.
"Children calm yourselves Tommy, let tubbo have it hes been through alot today with your mood swings" you say glaring at the angry 18 year old.
Tubbo happily snatches the blanket from tommys arms and sticks his tongue out at him going over to lay down on the couch. You walk into the room wilbur and nikki are occupying to see them watching a movie. You toss wilbur and Nikki some crackers, chips, candy, and juice before walking off. You soon realize that tubbo is already passed out on the couch with spongebob playing on the TV. You turn the television off as well with the lights. You walk into tommys room to see him asleep on his bed. You put a blanket over him before going to fundys room and sitting on the bed.
"Furry off" you say with demand.
"What no why?" fundy responds.
"Because theres no where else to sleep"
"You can sleep here
But I aint moving"
You attempt pushing him off the bed but he wont budge so you give in and lay down on the very edge of the bed.
"Damn wont even be near me" fundy whines, slightly sniffling.
"Oh suck it up furry
Dinner and a movie first" you say jokingly before drifting off to sleep.

[Wordcount: 942
I planned on this being a shorter chapter but uh whoops and no its not gonna end up being a reader x fundy I just have it like that for now unless you all really want it to be idk though]

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