im a girl trying to survive alone

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How about before i start l let you know a little about my self.

First of all my hair is black and the end of my hair is all rainbow colors. my eyes are rainbow so i have to wear glasses. My lips are full and lush, and i have no family im 5'8, and slim with curves in all the right places. i go to Rocky Ridge High School im 18, im a loner and my names cassira (cass-ei-ra).

i will tell you a little about my past so you know something about me and how i got where i am now.

When i was 4, my eyes were only blue with flecks of different colors then, my parents and i were on a stroll in the woods because my dad is a werewolf and women cant be werewolves because they cant bear the pain when changing so there has never been a female werewolf in history or in any other species like demons, vampires, witches (which are nasty things like sorsorers), and elementals like fire benders, earth benders well you get the point they have all been men.

So anyways we were on a stroll in the woods when the sorsorer king and witch king came out of nowhere and started fighting with my dad and mom.

Then these other like 9 guys came out and started helping my parents. But from what i could tell they were a werewolf, shapeshifter, vampire, water bender, fire bender (which there are very few of) , earth bender, air bender, goblin, and a fairy dude (lol). But they were to late and my parents were killed right in front of my eyes.

I started crying and the men looked at me with sadness in there eyes because i was so young. The demon looked at me curiously and i knew why, humans despise demons, well first they didnt know they were demons and second well they were actually just terrified of them because they thought they were scary looking dudes but they were way more than that.

The men started talking amungst themselves of what to do with me when the shapeshifter dude said "the little girl should come live with us". well dont get me wrong i can tell that they are about the age of like 28 or something but i felt safe with them.

The werewolf came and picked me and said "Hello there, you probebly dont know what happend here but your parents went to a safer place now and you should come with us." I sat there and stared at them with my blue watery eyes and said, "I know that my parents are dead, and what you are, and that daddy was a werewolf and mommy was his mate, but why did the witches kill them they didnt do anything wrong." I know i was really smart then and they all looked dumbfounded. So they started walking again and i asked, "where are we going." Since i didnt get an answer out of them before.

The werewolf said," you are comming to live with us now." I said,"o.k" and the rest of the walk was silent. To silent for me so i used my enhanced hearing, I have never told anybody but i am the spirit wolf which is the color of snow, and i can do all the things that the guys with me can do and im part witch and sorseror. well thats the reason im not afraid of the demon guy, and the rest of the animals i can change into are all black with red and when i change i dont smell like a werewolf, or shapeshifter i only smell like a regular animal is supposed to smell and when im human i only smell human and im stronger than a werewolf and faster than a vampire.

So while using my enhanced hearing and smelling i could smell more of the people i was with kind to come and greet us.

Then when they all got here we all walked together to this gigantic castle that looked like it had 15 floors and my eyes got as big as donut holes. When we got in the castle they took me to a beautiful colorful room with a queen size bed and the werewolf told me, "Go to sleep you must be tired, someone will be here when you wake up ok." I nodded and as soon as my head hit the pellow i was in a dreamless sleep thinking about tommorow.

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