Im a girl trying to survive alone.

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I heard light foot steps and that woke me up immediatly. So when I heard them walking again i sat as fast as a bullet from sleepin. All the guys that were there yesterday saw me awake so the werewolf spoke up.

"hello im Nick, the shapeshifter is Ben,demon Derrick, vampire Emmet, goblin Ed, fairy Jake, water bender Shiloh, Fire bender Shadow, earth bender Rocky, air bender Ang. You are?"

I spoke up rubbing my sleepy 4 year old eyes," My names Cassira, so my parents are really dead it wasnt a dream."

"No sorry sweaty do you want to go meet are wives, they are really nice we also have sons but yall arnt going to meet yet ok maybe in a few months, they are 5 ok."

I smiled the biggest smile that was hurting my face and jumped off the bed and started following them.

We came to a big set of doors and Emmet opened the doors, because they looked really heavy to open, and we walked in and they took their sons out of the room while i was just standing there with these beautiful woman in front of me and i smiled. They smiled back and introdused themselves as Monica the shapeshifters wife, Ciara demons wife, Michelle werewolfs wife, Alexis fairies wife, Amanda goblins wife, Courtney earth benders wife, Cady air benders wife, Caroline fire benders wife, and mckenzie water benders wife.

"Nice to meet you all im Cassira." Right before the guys walked in Ciara said,"You know dince you been here they all have been in better moods and they think of you as their own its really sweat actually sweet."

I blushed and just then the men walked in and said,"So, did yall get the greetings over, you must be starved Cassira." I nodded and just them my tummy growled and they started laughing even more and i got as red as a tomato and if possible even redder than that.

Emmet picked me up and i started humming to the song G-6 and as soon as me and all the guys were in the kitchen i yelled out,"CAN I MAKE SOME BROWNIES YUMMMMMMMM!" Which freaked all the guys out so they were on guard mode while i sat there smiling like an idiot on drugs.

"WHY did you yell you could have just asked and we would have gotten it out for you." So i shrugged and smiled and they all sighed and they let me make some but all that happend is i got it all over me.

This happend over the next month every day they would try and help me but all that happend is that i would get it all over me and every time before we started making it i would yell that same thing over so they got used to it as a daily rutine.

"The men have been way happier since i have been here." a servent told me, he also told me," The men use to be all uptight but since you have been here they have been looose and happier then the world, and their kids have been way happier to. We are all happy to have you here." I said," Thank you, its nice being here." Then gave him a hug and walked off.

Little did I know that would be the last time I saw anbody here.


Well first of all cassira is looking back in the past to tell where shes at now, if you were confused haha

Heyyyy this is cassidy haha well im not sure if i should continue writing butttt

I have a good part comming up soon

So i just wanted some votes or somethin because the very first book i every wrote on here was "im a wolf with rainbow eyes nice to know....NOW" and this is my second so im tryin the best i can THANXXX!!!!!

im a girl trying to survive aloneWhere stories live. Discover now