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"Cause baby you look happier you do.." 


Kio x Vinnie 

Vinnie's POV 

I put on a fake smile for the boy I loved so much. He was finally getting somewhere with that Riley girl he had been crushing on for so long. I swallowed the lump in my throat, why does she have to be pretty and nice?

I sat on the couch and watched as the (silver?) haired girl and MY Kio cuddled together. She was sitting with her legs on his lap and he practically had hearts in his eyes when he looked at her. I looked down at my hands in a state of anger and sadness, I didn't even realize I had been scratching my palm. It was a angry pink shade and starting to bleed a bit so I excused myself to the bathroom with out even getting a glance my way. 

My feet carried me the whole way up the stairs to my bathroom, when I finally got to it I stepped inside, my feet resting on the cool marble floor. I slowly gripped the handle shutting it softly then I fell down and let a warm tear slide down my pale face. Why couldn't it be me? 

Before Riley came over as often, Kio and I were very close, we didn't even know each other that long before we just clicked. I loved staring into his chestnut eyes, his smooth olive skin, the way he laughed at even the worst jokes that I made, it was hard to not fall for him. He was there when I came out as Bi, he was there when the hate got to much for me and I just needed a hug, almost no matter the situation Kio was there. Riley then showed up more often. At first I thought it was hard for me because my best friend was being taken away from me, but I quickly realized that I didn't think of him as just a best friend. 

The pain in my hand was no longer evident, my heart hurt. It felt like someone had ripped it out and forced it back in, except it was empty. I used my roughed up hand to wipe my salty eyes, the tears soothing some of the pain. 

I slowly stood up and looked in the mirror, 

I look like shit

I played with my brownish blonde hair and quickly wiped my face, 

This is for Kio


As the months went on Kio and Riley fell more and more for each other, and Vinnie, he was just stuck in the middle of it. 

Kio's POV

Riley couldn't come over today so I decided I would have a day with Vinnie! I could finally tell him the news about Riley and I, we have decided to make it official. 

"Vinnieeee" I whined from outside his door 

He opened it and immediately his face grew into a giant smirk. 

"come here Kio!" He yelled dragging me into his room while also managing to shut the door behind us. 

Vinnie's POV 

It had been forever since Kio and I have hung out with just us, even though I wanted to be mad at the brunette boy I just couldn't bring myself to be. He was always so sweet and I just ate it all up. 

I'm going to play a game.

I smirked and suddenly stopped tickling him. 

"wow Vinnie that sure was an intro" I could feel his eyes watching me from behind, but I didn't turn instead I got out my phone and laid down to 'watch tiktoks'

"Vinnieeeee" Kio said while laughing again, god that boy is going to be the death of me "Are you ok?" He said quietly. 

I didn't answer him and stayed on my phone. 

"Helloooooo" He waved his hand in my face. 

I pretended like their was nothing there and kept my eyes on my screen. Soon I felt my phone being pried from my grasp, I watched as it was tossed onto the soft carpet in my room. I smiled and starred at the ceiling instead still ignoring Kio. 

"Fine Vinnie I didn't want it to have to come to this but I am going to have to go Sangwoo on you." I smiled and waiting for the blow of the pillow I thought he was going to smack me with but instead I felt soft hair tickle my chin. "I'm too tired to be Sangawoo" He breathed out and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I carded my hands through his soft hair and his breath steadied, this is all I needed, all I wanted for so long, him and I, together, being us. 


Suddenly Kio perked his head up, "I haven't told you the news have I" He said with a huge smile. 

"No you haven't" I laughed at the boy.

He slowly got off of me and sat at the end of the bed, "Riley and I made it official, we're dating!" He smiled his bright smile only this time it's warmth couldn't reach me. I starred down at my gray sheets which slowly started to stain with my salty tears.  "V-Vinnie" Kio put his hand on my shoulder. 

Kio's POV 

I looked at Vinnie, he looked so different now. So sad and hopeless. His head slowly turned upward and I starred into his eyes. They usually were a beautiful brown but right now they were a murky, glossy cloud. "Baby you look happier you do". I watched as a single tear rolled now his perfect face. He slowly made his way off the bed and out of his room. 

"Vinnie?" I asked, voice cracking 

He turned back to me and gave me a smile, "But you look happier, you do. My friends told me one day I'd feel it too. I could try to smile to hide the truth. But I know I was happier with you"

1000 words 

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