dry wall

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Finn has eaten almost twenty percent of the dry wall in his house. He hasn't stopped. He carries bags of it everywhere. The smell, the taste was just adrenaline to him. He absolutely loved it a lot. His parents have been trying to get him to stop.

"Son, we think thats enough." His father spoke. Finn was biting into the wall. "Lay off my back." Finn mumbled with dry wall in his mouth. His mother started crying so we had to cut the cameras off.

"Mary how are you feeling." We asked his mother.

"Upset, honestly, I sleep with a gun thinking he is going to come eat our dry wall in our room." Mary uttered.

"I don't see whats wrong, it's just dry wall." Finn spoke.

He has eaten up to five thousand calories of dry wall, every day. "This is getting ridiculous, cut the cameras." Eric exclaimed.

After the cameras were cut Eric beat the shit out of Finn and child protective services were called. Later that day Finn was put into foster care, being unconnected to his family. No longer eating dry wall.

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