paint markers

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"Hello, I'm Finn, I am seveteen and I am addicted to drinking paint." Finn stated. "As it's going down your throat it feels very nice and warm. Almost like a thicker version of milk, but obviously there is that very strong chemical taste, which is perfect to me." He stated, drinking a shot of it. 

Finn drinks at least one paint marker everyday. That's nearly three gallons of paint since his addiction began. He started drinking it when his parents withdrawn from America. "When you get the marker you need to shake it up, obviously, it's like your standard paint. You can already see there is some paint around the edge." He stated, putting his dry tongue on the paint marker.

He inhaled the paint.

A chemical Xylene was inside the paint, causing him to slowly kill himself.

As Finn began to down paint on camera, he knocked one of our camera-men out.

"Get that god damn camera off of my face."

*camera man sobbing quietly*

"Fuck you and your family, their all fat bitches."

*camera sobbing harshly*

We then interviewed his parents once again, we had a camera man fly to Canada. "I am concerned for my baby boy, but I can't look him in the face anymore." Mary stated. We weren't allowed on her propriety as she was holding a shotgun.

"Finn, when he took his first bite out of a saltine cracker, his whole world turned bright." Eric stated. "He is a filthy addict, now get off my propriety." Mary stated.

*gun fires*

*camera man screaming*

"Honestly, paint is just become my life, I think I am ready to tell my friends." Finn stated. He was now going to tell his friends.

"I brought you guys here today to tell you something." Finn stated. All of his sighing at sight and the nasty paint smell. "I am addicted to paint." He stated. "When did this start." One of them asked. "It has been going on for a month now." Finn stated, sobbing.

"Cut the cameras, deadass." Finn stated

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