cat hair

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This is Finn's fifth time being on the show. This time it was cat hair. "Ever since I found this cat that crawled under my bridge I have been eating it's hair for nutritions." Finn stated whlist picking cat hair out of his crooked teeth.

He has been going to this cat hair for one month, his parents still being in prison. "It just tastes so good." He stated, putting a ball of cat hair in his mouth. One of our camera crews gagging at the sight.

This cat was elder and almost hairless. Finn would pluck hair from it everyday, eating it like it was a cherry pie served from his mom. He was investigated by the police yesterday, here's the video.

*hissing noises coming from Finn*

"Sir, whats wrong."

*sounds of cat hair ripping*

"Sir, don't eat that."

*chewing noises*

"Spit it out!"

The police then told us that he was eating hair right from the cat. "I am just obsessed with it, I don't plan to stop." Finn stated. We then interviewed his parents in prison.

"I am disgusted, he has become a wild animal." Eric stated, wiping his beard with his greasy hand. "It all started because of them god damn crackers!" Mary stated. They were both tired of him and his antics.

"I don't care what my parents think, I am doing what I love." Finn stated. He was petting this almost bald cat.

One of thw crewmen accidently scared the cat. Finn started hissing, curling into a ball.

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