Chapter 1

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      Alexis wood sat in her bed with her laptop on her lap watching a episode of criminal minds procrastinating her homework like always .the team was just wrapping up a case and hanging out in the conference room. Alexis smiled she always loved theses scenes. she could feel herself getting tired but she was determined to stay awake, but then all of the sudden a blinding white light filled her room. she covered her eyes with her arm after a few seconds the light was gone. she put her arm down and looked around shocked to see the team. "who are you and how did you get in hear yelled Prentiss as the agents drew there guns aiming them at her. she throw her hands up. "I um.. Emily "she said flustered. "How do you my name "asked agent Prentiss. how am I supposed to explain all of this to the team there'll just think I'm crazy thought Alexis. "she asked you a question how do you know her name "asked Hotch in a stern voice. Alexis backs away nervously not saying anything. "JJ, Morgan Take the girl to the interview room" says Hotch. "Do you have anything on you "asks JJ. "just my phone "says Alexis as she hands it to JJ. Garcia go though her phone and see if you can find anything "says JJ as she hands Garcia the phone.

     Agents Morgan and Jareau lead me out of the conference room and I could see Hotch and Rossi offices and the Ballpen they then lead me out of the Ballpen and down a long hallway and lead me into a small room with black painted walls and a table with 3 chairs, JJ and Morgan put me in the room and left.  I sat down at the table just thinking about how I'm going to explain everything when I'm not even sure myself. I looked up at the glass window and waved knowing the team was watching me. I sat there for what felt like hours until finally agents Prentiss and Rossi walked in. "Hi Agent Rossi" says Alexis a little to excitedly.

     "well hello can you tell us your name "asks Rossi.  "Alexis, Alexis Wood" says Alexis. "Alright Alexis you seem to know all of our names, how is that" asked Rossi. "I don't know how to explain without sounding crazy "says Alexis nervously. "try us" says Prentiss. "Ok all I know is that I was sitting in my room watching Netflix on my laptop and then there was a blinding white light and I ended up at the BAU" says Alexis. "ok lets just for a moment say your telling the truth, how do you know who we are "asks Rossi. "well were I'm from you and your team are fictional characters on a show called criminal minds which I was watching before I ended up here, I know thinks about everyone here that no ordinary person would know "says Alexis. "like what" asks Prentiss. "um.. you Emily faked your death because of your past with Doyle which is also why you moved to Virginia so that you could keep an eye on Declan.Reid had a drug addiction, JJ had a miscarriage and Morgan was a victims of sexual abused as a kid. "said Alexis.  The room was now quiet Rossi and Prentiss sat there shocked trying to come up with any rational explanation to explain how Alexis could've known all of that about them but they couldn't come up with anything to explain how she could've known any of that.

  " will be right back "stated Rossi as him and Prentiss walked out of the interview room. "what do y'all think" as Hotch. "I don't know its just how could she have known all that stuff about us" said Prentiss. "I've read book about the theory of multiple earths that there all moving at a different frequency so they cant see one another "says Reid. "guys I found some interesting things on her phone, looks like Alexis has a crush on boy genius. just read some of theses texts messages between her and one of her friends named Joy. says Garcia

Alexis: whos cuter Morgan or Reid.

Joy: Morgan obvi.

Alexis: I mean Morgan is hot but Reid is way hotter.

Joy: No He's not have you seen Morgan's abs.

Alexis: yeah but have you seen how smart Spencie is, he's just so dreamy.

"ok I think I've heard enough "says Reid. "ok will it goes on for 3 more pages and not to mention the hundreds of saved photos of us on her phone  and her screen saver is us" says Garcia showing them Alexis lock screen. "ok anything else" asks Hotch. "I tried searching in every date base and I couldn't find any record of Alexis its like she dosen.t exist". says Garcia. "ok well until we can verify her story one of us needs to take care of her" says Hotch. "I will" volunteered Prentiss. "are you sure" asks Hotch. "I'm sure"answered Prentiss. "Alright lets go get her "says Hotch. The team walks to the interview room where they see Alexis crying. "Alexis what's wrong why are you crying your not in trouble." says JJ trying to comfort her. "I'm scared that you guys think I'm Crazy, I'm not crazy" cried Alexis as she wipes away her tears. "Sweetie we don't think your crazy so until we can figure all this out and get you home, you will be staying with agent Prentiss" says JJ. "okay" says Alexis feeling better. "I need to talk to Hotch so just stay with JJ and I will come get you when I'm done. "okay Emily "says Alexis as she watched Emily walk away with Hotch. "Sure we go hang out in the conference room" says JJ smiling" "sure "says Alexis smiling as her and JJ walked towards the conference room.

Hey guys hope you like this first chapter, I'm going to try and post as much as possible but I do have school so just be on the look out for new chapters.

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