Chapter 8

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               The team had been sitting in the conference room and watching the tapes for hours and they had found what they believe to be all the letters which in order of appearance make the sentence "also ix owned." What could this mean they all though. Emily looked over to see Alexis asleep on the couch. "Emily why don't you take Alexis home"says Hotch "no i should be here" replied Emily. "Its fine Emily were no closer to solving this then we were two hours ago" replied Reid. "Ok" replied emily. "Alexis honey wake up were going home"said Emily as she ran her fingers though Alexis hair."Alexis woke up and rubbed her eyes very groggily. "What time is it"asked Alexis. "Its 3 am" said emily. "Ok"said Alexis getting up. The team watched as Emily and Alexis left to go home. "Ok so what could also ix owned mean"asks Hotch. "I don't it could be an anagram"replied Reid. "Reid i want you to treat this like anagram the rest of us will try to figure out if it could be anything else."said Hotch.

     Reid was going over every possible in his head over what the sentence could be until he noticed something all the letters were in someones name someone he knew and it shocked him the sentence spelled out Alexis Wood. He dropped the dry eraser maker and took a few steps back in shock. This cant be write he though he looked again and knew he wasn't wrong. He turned to the team shock all over his face. "Reid whats wrong"asked JJ. "Guys i just solved the anagram and look what it says"said Reid. "Alexis? Are you positive pretty boy" Said morgan shocked."I'm positive i doubled checked its, its right,said Reid."ok but that doesnt mean shes the traitor" replied JJ. "Actually it might" said Garcia. The team turned to see Garcia in the doorway. "What do you mean" ask morgan. "Just follow me to my office it would be better if you come and see for yourself"replied Garcia. The team get up from there chairs and follow Garcia out of the conference room and down the hall to her office. "ok so are you going to tell us what's going on" asked Morgan. "ok so I was trying to hack though all of the barriers the hack put up and then I go to this" said Garcia pointing to her computer. "to unlock computer type traitors name here" said Reid reading the message. "you don't think" asks JJ. "Garcia type Alexis wood" says Hotch. "sir are you sure" says Garcia. "just do it" replied Hotch.  Garcia typed Alexis wood into the answer box and it worked her computers were back to normal. "Hotch what do we do" asks JJ.  Hotch said nothing as he walked out of the room and pulled out his phone and called Emily.
     Emily was just about to get up and leave Alexis when her phone rang. "Hotch" asked emily confused. "Emily we solved the message and it reveled some shocking news" said Hotch. "what" asks Emily. "are you alone" asks Hotch. "hold on" replied Emily as she quietly got up and left Alexis room. "ok I'm alone what's going on" asked Emily concerned. "Reid was able to solve the weird message turns out it was an anagram and the letters spelled out Alexis wood" said Hotch. "ok well maybe the unsub is framing her" replied Emily not wanting to believe that sweet innocent teenage girl was a traitor." we though that too but then Garcia showed us her computers in her office she need a code to undo the hacks and the code was the name of the unsub so we put Alexis name in it and it worked, Alexis is the traitor" said hotch. "Hotch are sure" asks Emily in disbelief. "yes I'm going to get a warrant to search Alexis room" replied Hotch. :ok be here around 8"said Emily. "will be there're just please don't tell Alexis anything that's an order Emily" said Hotch, "ok said Emily hanging up. "Emily sat on her couch in disbelief she couldn't believe it Alexis was the traitor, everything made sense the way she had been acting nervous around them and how she was clearly hiding something. for the rest of the night Emily laid on her couch trying to come up with any explanation to explain that Alexis wasn't the traitor but she couldn't think of anything.

                                                               the next morning

       "How should we approach this" asks JJ. "we approach this calmly we don't want her to shut down or run or do anything crazy" says Hotch. "What's going on" ask Colette nervously. "Colette we have strong evidence that your the Traitor" said Hotch. "what I'm not the traitor, I would never betray you guys" replied Alexis. "well even so we have a warrant to search your room" said Hotch. "Go ahead I have nothing to hide" replied Alexis. "come here sweetie" says JJ as she takes Alexis over to the couch. JJ I'm being framed, I'm not the traitor" said Alexis. "JJ please you have to believe me I would never betray you guys I love you guys, my life is better because of you and your team you have helped me though so much, I promise I'm not the traitor" says Colette.

     JJ says Nothing. "I need water" says Alexis getting up and walking to the kitchen. "Guys we got something" says Morgan. "Hotch look's at it and then at the team and walks over towards Alexis. "Alexis wood your under arrest" says Hotch. Alexis heart drops as she hears those five words, all sense of common sense was gone and that's when she grabbed a knife from the knife set in the kitchen. "the team drew there guns and pointed them at Alexis. "Alexis drop the knife down" says Emily. "No just let me go and I'll leave and never come back" says Alexis with tears streaming down her face. "we cant do that" says JJ. "then just shot me" says Alexis. "we don't wanna do that, we don't wanna hurt you" says Reid. "Alexis" JJ said as she holster her gun and put her hands up. "Alexis you said you were innocent and being framed and you wanna prove that right? This isn't the way to do it, this is just making you look more guilty. I wanna help you but you have to drop the knife says JJ.

    "I cant JJ" replied Alexis. "yes you can your just scared" said JJ. "I'm being Framed JJ" said Alexis. "if that's true then prove it right now put the knife down because I know you don't wanna hurt us or anyone your just scared, you told me that we make your life better so prove it by putting the knife down" says JJ. Alexis looks at JJ and then at the team and that's when she drops the knife and throws her hands up. JJ walks over and kicks away the knife. "turn around hands on your head" said JJ. Alexis complies. "you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you during a court of law you have the right to an amatory prier to or during any questioning, do you understand theses rights as I have read them to you." says JJ as she hand cuffs Alexis. "JJ walks Alexis to the car placing her in the backseat then Rossi sits next to her and then JJ jumps in to the front passenger seat while Hotch jumps into the drivers seat, while the rest of the team jumped in the second SUV tears streamed down Alexis face as she looked down at her feet. she wondered what they found that proved she was the traitor.

alright wow that took a turn very fast do you think Alexis is the traitor or do you think she is being framed and if so who do you think the traitor is. as always the next chapter will be up in the next few days.

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