chapter 12

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Morgan, Reid, Emily, JJ, Hotch Garcia and Rossi all sat in Rossi living room going over the evidence that Alexis gave them. they didn't tell Elle because they needed to verify that Elle was the traitor and weren't willing to take a chance on Elle getting her hands on the evidence. Reid was Reading over the journal pages they had found when he stopped. "Guys Alexis writes that Elle killed that unsub 6 years ago, she writes that Elle went to confront the unsub and that in fact the unsub had been unarmed and Elle snapped and shot him in cold blood." says Reid. "Well I most admit that the shooting had always been questionable but the FBI cleared her but I was always still suspicious of it" said Hotch. "wait if you were suspicious of her why let her back on the team I mean you are unit chief" asked Morgan. "it was my choice, Strauss went over my head" replied Hotch. "of course she did" replied JJ rolling her eyes. The team looked at each other silently agreeing that Elle is the traitor but they all wondered why take Alexis.

meanwhile someplace in the middle of nowhere in a small room laid Alexis. her eyes were very heavy as she started to come to. it took a few minute's for her eyes to adjust but when they did she tried to get up put was studently pulled back. she looked down at her wrist and saw she was chained. she looked around the room it was very small with only the mattress she was laying on. she was so confused, she couldn't remember how she had gotten there but she knew were ever here was, wasn't a good place. she pulled out a bobby pen from her hair and picked the look on the chains and then picked the lock on the door. she quietly opened the door and walked out and looked down the corridor and ran for it. she ran and ran until she made it to another door which was unlocked but unfortunately she ran right into Elle and a mystery man. "oh how did you get out of your cell" said Elle. "please Elle just let me go, I wont say anything, I'll just tell the team you saved me" Said Alexis. "yeah know that's not going to happen because you see you are going to help me lure the team into a trap" said Elle. "wait your Izzy Rodgers" Said Alexis. "the one and only" replied Izzy. "why are you helping her, your a bank robber and murderer not a kidnapper" asks Alexis. "revenge now shut up"replied Izzy. Alexis stopped talking and was taken into another room with a camera and was handcuffed to a chair. "now we are going to do a little livestream, just read the cards we hold up" said Elle as she walked over to turn the camera on.

               meanwhile back at Rossi mansion the team is going thought evidence when Garcia finds the livestream. "guys you need to see this" said Garcia as she turned her laptop so the team could see it. "I have a message for the agents of the Behavioral analysis unit in Quantico Virginia put together 500,000 and deliver it bye 7pm tomorrow night at 306 walnut rode or there gonna kill me, help me please I don't wanna die, help me please" begged Alexis though tears. It broke there hearts to see her so scared but that's when Reid noticed something. "guys Alexis is mouthing its a trap" said Reid. "Garcia have you been able to track the IP address" asked Hotch, "no there smart they've masked there IP address but I'm better" said Garcia as she kept hacking. "Help me please" cried Alexis and then the live stream ended. "Garcia were you able to get it" asked Hotch. "I'm sorry no" said Garcia. "Hotch are we really going to do this, how do we know they wont kill her anyways" asks Morgan. "we don't that's why we need to come up with a plan" replied Hotch. they all looked at each other trying to come up with a plan. "ok what if one of us makes the drop wearing a tracking device and then if they take us then you guys can track that agent" Said Morgan. "I don't know that's very risky, we could end up getting that agent killed or even Alexis killed" said Hotch. "I'll do it" said Emily. "Prentiss its risky you could get killed" said Hotch. "I don't care I'm willing to do what ever it takes to get Alexis back even if it means sacrificing myself" replied Emily. "Ok I need to make some calls, everyone go home and get some rest we meet at The BAU at 6 am sharp" said Hotch. with that everyone left.

        Emily arrived back at her house. she parked her car and headed towards the front door when she was suddenly grabbed from behind. she screamed and tried to fight back but just like Alexis she was chloroformed and everything went black.

      "this is Unit chief Arron Hotchner" Said Hotch answering his phone. "wait what, I'm on my way" said Hotch hanging up the phone and quickly heading to Emily's house. "He called JJ and the others and they were all heading to Emily, when Just minutes earlier she had been abducted.

ok guys hope you enjoyed the chapter I know its a little shorter but I hope you enjoyed. also side note im startng a new series on my Tiktok. sims 4 Big Brother criminal minds edition if you want to see it my tiktok is @emilyprentiss12.

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