chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning in Emilys guest room. I have know idea what Hotch and Emily talked about but I assume it has to do with me. I walked out of my room to the smell of bacon and eggs. "well good morning I was just about to come wake you up "says Emily pushing a plate of eggs and bacon over to Alexis. "So I talked with Hotch last night and I was wondering how you felt about school" asked Emily. "well for one I have no documents and as far as anyone is concerned I don't exist and two I don't like the idea of going to school in a different world" says Alexis. "Well Garcia has you covered with documents but Hotch and I were thinking more along the lines of online school" says Emily as she takes a bit of her bacon. "fine on one condition "says Alexis. "what is it" asks Emily curiously. "I wanna work a case with you guys" says Alexis. "umm I don't know about that how old are you"? Asks Emily. "I'm sixteen and come on please its not everyday you get to live in the world of your favorite show and besides I've seen every episode I'm practically a profiler. "says Alexis very seriously. "fine but I have to get Hotch's approval first" says Emily. "yay thank you" says Alexis excitedly. "Alright go get dressed were going to the BAU" says Emily. "Emily I don't have any clothes" says Alexis confused. "Actually JJ and Garcia went and bought you some clothes last night and brought them over here, we figured it was safer then me taking you shopping" says Emily handing Alexis a bag full of clothes.

"thanks and one more thank I want felid privilege's "says Alexis. "Don't push it Alexis" says Emily getting a bit annoyed. Emily watch as Alexis walks down the hall and disappear into her room. At that moment she know this was going to be along first week with Alexis.

meanwhile at the BAU

Reid is sitting at his desk reading a book when JJ walks over. "hey have you seen Emily "asks JJ. "no but she's probably gonna be late she does have Alexis to take care of",Says Reid as he sets his book down. "your probably right" says JJ. "speaking of Alexis how cute is it that she has a crush on you "says JJ teasingly. "its really sweet but please stop "says Reid a bit annoyed. "Fine ,speaking of look who's arrived "says JJ turning to see Emily walk into the BAU with Alexis following close behind. "Alright Alexis I'm going to go talk to Hotch please stay with JJ and Reid "says Emily. "ok Emily "replies Alexis walking over to Reid and JJ. Emily drops her bags on her desk and then walks up the stairs and over to Hotchs office and knocks on the door. "come in" yells Hotch. "Hotch I need to talk to you about Alexis" says Emily. "ok" says hotch with a questioning look. "So I talked to Alexis about starting school and she has conditions" says Emily. "what are they" asks Hotch nervously. "she wants to work a case with us and she wants filed privilege's" says Emily. "ok I will agree to letting her work a case and she can go with us where every the case is but I'm not letting her in the field" says Hotch. "ok I'll tell her" says Emily turning to walk our of Hotchs office. "oh and Prentiss this arrived for you this morning" says Hotch holding out a envelope. "Prentiss grabs them. "what's in it" asks Hotch curiously. "oh its nothing" says Emily as she walks out of hotch's office and back to her desk.

Alexis looks over at Emily and notices the envelope and gets a bad feeling knowing what's about to happen. "Emily telling tell me your not going back to Interpol" says Alexis Worried. "actually yes theses are my transfer papers" says Emily. "no you cant its not the BAU without you ,The team needs you." says Alexis. "Alexis I only came here so that I could be close to Declan and now its time for me to go back to Interpol and there offer me a position of Chief" says Emily. "well spoiler alert you become unit chef of the BAU eventually and the team needs you, some bad things happen to Reid and JJ while your gone" says Alexis. "wait what" says Emily concerned. "I mean they don't die but they do go though some trauma" says Alexis. "what happens" asks Emily. " you cant tell Reid and JJ" says Alexis. "fine" says Emily. "JJ gets kidnapped and Reid watches his girlfriend get murdered by her stalker right in front of him" says Alexis. "oh my gosh" says Emily. "oh and his mom gets dementia" says Alexis. "oh my gosh poor Reid" says Emily. "that's only while your gone poor Reid has no idea what's coming" says Alexis. "yeah I don't think I wanna know" says Emily nervously . "good choice" says Alexis. Alexis gets up and walks over to Reid and JJ and begins talking to them. "Emily sits there in disbelief about what Alexis had said but she pushed it aside and began doing her paper work.

Time seemed to fly by for Emily before she knew it, she had finished her paper work and it was time for lunch. "JJ, Reid, going to lunch wanna come" asked Emily. "yes" they all replied in unison. they all grab there stuff and walk down to a small café that was just down the street from the BAU. they all got there food and set down at a table to eat. "So Alexis we saw some text messages you sent to a friend and I was wondering if you might have a crush on Spence" asks JJ curiously. "no I don't" Says Alexis defensively her face turning bright red. "Oh my god your blushing you totally have a crush on Reid, I mean you did say you though he was hot" says JJ. "Fine ok I have a crush on spencer but look at him he is hot and very smart, I mean he is the perfect guy. oh my god and I Just said all of that in front of him, thanks for embarrassing me in front of spence, Jennifer!. says Alexis feeling embarrassed "aww don't be I think its sweet but I'm way to old for you" says Spencer. "yeah I'm aware" says Alexis. they all finished eating and were getting up to leave with Reid bumped into someone spilling there coffee on them. "oh my good I'm so sorry" said Reid handing the woman some napkins. "oh its ok" says the woman. "no its not here let me buy you another coffee" says Reid. "oh you don't have to do that" says the woman. "no I insist" says Reid. "ok" says the woman. "by the way my name is Spencer, Spencer Reid" says Reid introducing himself. "I'm Maeve, Maeve Donovan" says the Woman introducing herself. "oh my god, JJ, Emily outside now." Says Alexis. Emily and Jj follow her outside both looking at each other confused. ok what's up" asks Emily. "the woman Reid is talking to Maeve is the woman from the thing I was telling you about earlier" says Alexis. "what thing" ask JJ confused.

"ok so Reid shouldn't have meet her yet, he is supposed to get theses headaches but doctors can find the cause so he contacts Maeve and she's helps him and that start dating but she has a starker so they talk by pay phone only but the stalker finds her kidnap's her, so Reid makes a deal to trade his life to save Maeve and he tries to convince the stalker he loves her and not Maeve but she kisses him and realizes Reid lied so she kills herself and Maeve." says Alexis trying to stay calm. "this stays between us we cant tell Reid until we know its gonna happen because maybe now it wont and why worry him if it doesn't happen know" says JJ. "ok" says Emily and Alexis. "hey guys is everything ok" asks Reid. "yeah everything is fine. "ok lets head back to the BAU." says Reid Happily. the Girls follow behind knowing how hard it was going to be to keep everything from Reid.

wow Maeve has entered the story things just got interesting right? next chapter will be up soon probably in the next few days.

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