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Taeyong literally witnessed it.
He witnessed the fairy aggresively throwing fairy dust on Doyoung and seeing him shrink until he was a little kid.

He might be responsible for this so that's how he ended up chasing after the fairy, told her to chang him too.

He needed a break. 


Taeil got woken up in the middle of the night to crying, specifically a child crying.
As he slowly opens his eyes, the crazier he thought he was becoming.

Where did these child come from?

One was on the top bunk while the other was speaking a language Taeil could not comprehend due to his senses processing.

He sat down slowly and blinked slowly.

Where was Yuta and Mark? Was this a prank? This early? He wouldn't be surprised, seeing what they made the group go through in the past.

He looked around for any hidden cameras but found none.

"What's going on?" He asked himself.

The little kid turned to him.

"Mark is scared and can't get down, go help him instead of staying on your bed!"

Okay he must be dreaming, because that little kid looks awfully like Yuta and Taeil knows now the language he heard a minute ago as Japanese.

He looked up and see the kid crying in english and understood that it was Mark.

What a crazy dream, he thought before getting up.

"I only understood Mark and help." He told little Yuta who kept on his frown.

As he reached out for Mark, the door suddenly bursted open, scaring the shit out of them.

"Oh Shit! Them Too???" Johnny exclaimed.

This dream was getting more and more interesting.

"Who else?" Taeil asked.

"I woke up to these two jumping on their beds. I told them to stay but was afraid they'd do something stupid so I brought them along." He tossed away to show what Taeil could make out as Jaehyun and Jungwoo who peaked out their heads from behind the older's leg like scared little kids meeting their parents' friend for the first time.

"What about Taeyong and Doyoung?" Taeil asked, finally reaching out to get little Mark out of the top bunk and into his arms.
"I haven't checked yet, let's go see."

They all get out the room and to their leader and his roommate's room.

Upon arriving, Taeil found himself cooing at the way Taeyong and Doyoung ended up in the same bed sleeping.

And they just settled down in the room; Jungwoo and Jaehyun sitting on the floor, Yuta standing, like a bodyguard, beside Taeil who was sat on a bed with Mark on his lap and Johnny beside them.

"Soooo...what are we supposed to do now?" Johnny started.

"Why are you worrying so much? It's just a dream—Do Not Pinch Me—so we can clearly do whatever we want." Taeil, sure of himself tried to reasure Johnny.

Johnny, trying to be responsible and wanting to get Taeil out of his delusion, pinched him, real hard at that, to emphasize the fact that this couldn't be a dream.

"NOOOOO what have you done? Now I'm gonna wake uuuup...." He panicked, bracing himself for whatever he thought was gonna happen as he wrapped his arms around little Mark.

But nothing happened.

Taeil opened his eyes and looked around him, noticing that nothing had happened. His eyes fell on Yuta who seemed furious and Johnny who clearly was silently asking if he was done.

"This Isn't A Dream???? What The Heck? What Do We Do??? What Do We Do Johnny???????"

Johnny released a relieved sigh.
"I wondered what came over you, because you were so calm until now."

"This Isn't Good! How Come We Are The Only Adults? Would We Have To Take Care Of Them????" Taeil kept on panicking.

Having enough, Johnny took a hold of Taeil's arm firmly.

"Calm down, hey! It's okay, we're gonna figure this out, we can do this?! Can't we do this? Taeyong has to deal with 24? 26? of us everyday but we just have to deal with..." He looked at them one by one with what seemed to be a bit of confusion and hesitance.
"...the child version of them. Can't be that difficult right?"

"If you are able to speak Japanese and English." Taeil said.
"I can take care of the communication with Mark but I guess we'll use google translate with speech for Yuta?!" Johnny was unsure but at least he was trying.

It can't be that difficult right?

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