To You

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Music 》[Shadows - Red]

Reader POV

"Felicity, go! Find the Corporal! We'll hold them here as long as we can!" I shouted over the screams of fellow soldiers getting ripped apart and eaten by titans that were making their way through the old town in between walls Maria and Rose. We had planned to set up a base here to extend our expedition but titans had descended seemingly out of nowhere from the rear and overtaken the lookout squads. A smaller force had gone on ahead to scout out some surrounding hamlets, that included Commander Erwin, Squad Hange, Squad Mike, and Squad Levi among others.

The redheaded girl hesitated, looking horrified as she watched something in the distance over my shoulder. I gave her a gentle shove on the shoulder to get her moving and she mounted her horse. I turned away toward the titan looming closer and closer down the rather narrow street of the town after seeing the girl on my squad kick her horse away from the scene. She was the best rider in my squad, if anyone could push their horse to its limits to carry an urgent message it was her. I drew my blades and dislodged the anchors of my maneuver gear so they dug into the wall of the nearest building, pulling myself up so I landed on the tiled roof.

"Oi, over here you ugly thing." I taunted the titan, trying to get its attention on my instead of the soldier that had just run out of gas and landed on a roof beside it. Lucky for me, this eight meter titan was one that used its ears more than its eyes that were squinted almost shut. It followed my voice as I ran toward it, jumping over it's hand as it came crashing down onto the roof in front of me. I landed on its wrist and sprinted up its arm, jumping off at the elbow when I felt it begin to lift the limb. I spun midair and shot out one wire at its nape to reel myself in with my blade at the ready to make the cut. The hefty titan wasn't fast enough to turn around and grab at me, allowing me a clean cut. I smiled as steaming hot blood sprayed up over me and the beast began to collapse in the street. I landed on the opposite roof where the soldier from before was kneeling, frozen in fear of what had almost been his death.

"Get up. You're out of gas, right?" I got a simple nod in response when I crouched next to him, titan blood still steaming off my clothes and skin. "Get a horse and go find a supply cart. They might still be in the center of town. I don't think the titans have made it that far in just yet. But you'll have to hurry." I grabbed his arm to pull him up when I stood and he shakily got to running along the rooftops looking down into the streets below for any straggling horses to commandeer. I sighed and took off in the other direction toward the bobbing heads of a group of titans I could see hulking their way closer to the center of town. Perhaps I shouldn't have sent the other two members of my squad out on their own to aid the look outs on the outskirts of the town... They were likely dead already but I didn't have time to think about that, I had to join the other remaining soldiers that were risking their lives with that group of titans. We couldn't allow them to destroy our supply carts at the center of town. If they did, then we would have a very rough time trying to get back to Trost...


Two more solo kills and three more assists to add to my report if I made it back to Trost today. But now, more titans had arrived while we waited for the other squads to return as backup. They swarmed the central plaza of the old town and I stood beside one of the other squad leaders as we watched in hopelessness as a few small titans scattered the horses and smashed their way through the carts carrying our supplies. There wasn't much we could do even if we wanted. My gas was running low and I had planned to refill at the supply carts but that was a bust the minute I showed up to see those ugly runts running amuck in the plaza. I clenched the handles of my blades and bit my lip so hard in frustration that it drew some blood. The bitter metallic flavor coated my tongue and I frowned, letting go of my lip to turn around and walk father along the roof.

The other soldier took a few jogging steps to catch up with me and grab my shoulder. "Where are you going? We're only going to die if we go down there with our low level of gas." He warned and I shot him a sharp glare. "We can't just sit around and do nothing! If I'm going to die out here anyway I'm going to kill as many titans as I can first!" I yanked my shoulder away from him and jumped down from the roof, using my maneuver gear to swing off the opposite building and launch myself above one of the four meter titans in the plaza. It hadn't seen me yet so I readied my blades for the presumably clean cut I was about to take out of its nape.

I attached myself to its nape with the wire of my gear and reeled myself in quickly, ready to strike but in the next moment I was completely winded. A large hand from another four meter titan had come out of nowhere and snatched me right out of the air. My shock didn't last long when I felt the fingers close tightly around my body, effectively crushing my maneuver gear and making it difficult to breathe. I couldnt even use my own blades to escape, my arms trapped at my sides. It brought me in front of its face and I chose to spit in its face as it smiled eerily. The titan opened its mouth in response and moved me closer to it, tossing me inside.

The titan's slimy spit immediately coated my body as I landed on the fat tongue, flailing for anything to grab onto. My hand just barely reached its bottom teeth and I stopped myself from sliding down its throat. I fully expected the mouth to close and chop my fingers off but it didn't happen. I slid to the side of its mouth as my view of the world outside of its mouth tilted and I realized it was falling to thr ground. The fall was a short one but the rough landing was cushioned by the titan's cheek, my hand no longer holding onto the titan's teeth. I pushed my now aching body up onto all fours and crawled my way out of the stinking, slimy mouth, tumbling onto the ground below with a grunt of discomfort.

The moment I pushed myself to sit up, two thin arms wrapped around my upper body and I was pulled head first into a soft chest. "Captain! You're okay, I thought I was going to lose you too..." Felicity's voice sobbed above my head as she tightened her grip on me and I couldnt help the small smile that pulled at my lips. I was relieved she was alright and that I wasn't going to die today. She was squeezing me a bit too tightly for my battered body but I ignored the dull pain of it for now, just returning her embrace. We stayed like that for a while before a deep voice interrupted the tender moment. "Enough of that. Get your horses, we're going back to Trost." Felicity let go of me and instead grabbed my arm to help me stand up and we both looked over to Corporal Levi who stood off to the side. We both gave him a curt nod and he stalked off a ways before shooting back up to the rooftops in search of other stray titans or non-mortally wounded soldiers.

I wrapped my arm around Felicity's shoulders and leaned on her a bit to ease the ache of my body that had been very rudely crushed by that titan. It didnt feel as if anything was broken but I would certainly have bad bruises all over and I'd likely be sore for at least a while week. "Come on Feli, you heard the Corporal. Let's get our horses and get ready to go home." I tried to keep my tone light for her sake, seeing her still crying a bit as we walked along. She nodded and attempted a tiny smile back. "Yeah, lets go home."

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