Close Combat

39 3 0

Music 》[War Machine - AC/DC]

Levi POV

I woke early that morning and got dressed into my uniform and harness before walking out of my room into the office to find (Name) still asleep on the couch where I left him last night. He was sprawled out now instead of curled up, one leg and arm hanging over the edge of the couch, his other arm tossed up over the arm of the couch behind his head. His mouth hung slightly agape and the blanket had nearly slid off of his form onto the floor, barely clinging to his stomach. It was a rather amusing sight to behold and with a quick glance at the clock on the wall, I deemed it acceptable for him to sleep in a little longer while I left to get breakfast for the two of us.

With two cups of hot tea and some buttered slices of toast with sides of eggs on a tray, I returned to my office to see the man still asleep. I sighed and set the tray on the coffee table, stepping around it to stand beside the arm of the couch where his head rested, placing my hand on top of his hair. It was surprisingly soft to the touch and I felt oddly compelled to ruffle it gently. "Oi, get up. Breakfast then training." My harsh tone didn't match my soft actions as I kept my fingers loosely nestled in the man's silky locks even as he cracked his eyes open with a groan of minor annoyance at being woken up.

I couldnt explain to myself why I had felt such a strong impulse to play with his hair like that, but I tried to play it off as though it was only to wake him up. So I retracted my hand back to my side as He pushed himself to sit up and stretch with a large yawn. "Thanks Corporal. What is today's training anyway?" He asked in a gruff sleepy voice, reaching for one of the cups of tea and a plate of toast and eggs. He didnt even seem to care one bit that I had touched him in what most would consider an awkward way between men. Maybe he was just too tired still to care? Well, if he wasnt going to make something of it, then I wasnt going to bring up the topic.

I moved to sit down beside him and take my own plate and begin eating with him. "Hand to hand combat. You'll train with Petra for the first half then me for the second half." I infor.ed him once I finished my food and moved on to drinking my tea. "You know, I've never really understood the importance of training in hand to hand combat like this when we aren't going to be fighting other people. Its good for self defense, sure, but it just doesn't make sense to me. Even during my trainee days I didn't get it." (Name) finished off his food by the end of that, frowning slightly as he fought back another yawn. He clearly wasn't much of a morning person yet he was rather talkative today and I found it a bit odd. Not necessarily in a bad way though.

"It keeps your body in shape and your reflexes sharp which will help you out there. That's really all there is to it. Of course, it will come in handy if we ever get into shit with the Military Police. Its unlikely, but you never know with those stuck up, shady bastards." I told him and he hummed in thought then moved to get up. "Guess I'll go get ready for training then. Thank you for last night, Corporal. And for bringing me breakfast this morning. I think I just needed some company to make me feel better."

Reader POV

I left Levi's office and briskly walked back to my own room to get changed into a set of clean clothing along with my maneuver gear harness. It took all of ten minutes for me to get ready and make my way out to meet Petra and the others in the training field. None of the others greeted me, all looking a bit sleepy but Petra offered me a warm smile that I returned. She really was a lovely person, caring and attentive. But she could also be a bit scary, mostly when dealing with Oruo. I had seen it first hand a couple times before so I knew not to get on her bad side. "Good morning. Corporal told me you'll be my sparring partner first." She said in a light tone that was laced with playful mischief. She certainly was a competitive one, I mentally chuckled to myself and nodded at her. "It would seem that way. I don't know how I feel about hitting a girl as sweet as you though." The line was teasing and her playful look brightened with the way I played into it.

Petra and I sparred for a while until Levi called for a break for us all to get some water. It was fun to be completely honest. Petra was a good fighter and had given me quite the run for my money. Her smaller stature made her a tough opponent for me but I did win two out of the 8 rounds we did. We both had a laugh as she got up from pinning me to the ground and I grabbed her offered hand to pull myself up. I dusted off my now dusty butt and followed her over to one of the benches to pick up one of the pouches of water, taking a long drink from it. "Oruo, you'll pair up with Eld and Gunther you'll pair with Petra for the rest of training." Levi announced toward the end of our ten minute break, stretching his arms a bit as he walked back out into the training field. "Guess thats my cue. Thanks for the pointers during our sparring, Petra." I said, pushing myself up from the bench and leaving my water pouch behind to follow after Levi while the others paired up in their new partners.

Petra had been small and quick, but even that hadn't prepared me for what it would be like to spar in hand to hand combat with Corporal Levi. He was twice as fast, twice as strong and he didnt pull his punches. Three lost rounds later and my whole body ached from the effort it took to dodge and from the punches and kicks I hadnt been able to avoid. I was a bit surprised I lasted three whole rounds to be honest. But this fourth round was pushing my limits. I was covered in sweat, my white dress shirt nearly soaked through and translucent as Levi once again knocked me on my ass.

I tried to get back up but he was on top of me in a flash, pinning me down as I struggled weakly to try and throw him off of me. "You should build up more stamina. Even Oruo lasted more rounds against me." Levi plainly stated and I frowned slightly. But this was precisely what I had wanted out of an opportunity to be on his squad, to learn something. Finding out new weaknesses was part of that. "I can still go again. Don't count me out just yet." I stubbornly fired back and Levi clicked his tongue and got up off of me to allow me to get up as well. "If you can knock me down one time we'll end combat training for today and have a free afternoon."

That sort of bet was something I was definitely willing to take. I just had to knock him down once, right? How hard could that be? I mean, sure, I was already drained of energy but the thought of getting some free time to just hang around with my new temporary squad sent a new surge of energy through me, or rather, just hyped up adrenaline that would surely be my downfall sooner than later. "You're on!" I lunged at Levi and he easily dodged my attack, grabbing my arm and twisting it around behind me. I winced and grunted when the air was knocked out of me as I was pushed face down into the ground. His grip on my arm loosened for only a fraction of a second but I took advantage of that to twist away form him, panting as I tried to regain my breath. But once again I was pinned to the ground on my back below the Corporal. I gave in and lay there stiffly with annoyance that I had been beaten so quickly but I had to accept the fact that I was completely spent for energy at this point.

Little drips of sweat landed on my forehead and cheek, falling from Levi's sweat-soaked hair as he hovered above me to keep me pinned down. His chest rose and fell almost in time with my own; both of us rather spent from the training for the past three hours. His grey dress shirt was damp with his sweat as well and it almost brought my lips to curve up into a smirk at seeing the great Corporal Levi so out of breath and tired like this. It wasn't something you got to see every day after all. Being this close to his face I took a moment to examine his features, the man was truly the perfect specimen of a man and a soldier. Taught muscles under a thin dress shirt damp with sweat, eyes narrowed with a piercing, calculating gaze that demanded respect from everyone around him and instilled fear in those beneath his status. His sweat-slicked hair shined in the sunlight breaking through the clouds that had gathered in the sky. But despite the amount of sweat, the scent that rolled off him was anything but gross. It was rather intoxicating, a thick and full bodied smell that left me wanting more.

I realized my own thoughts at that moment, my eyes widening in slight shock as I lay there frozen for a second even after Levi pulled away to let me up, brushing off the dust on his knees. What in the hell had I just thought...? Did I really find Corporal Levi attractive in such a way? No, no, my mind was just a bit fuzzy from exhaustion after going at hand to hand combat for so long and it was getting close to lunch time. Yeah, that was it, my hunger pains and exhaustion were just clouding my mind and making me have strange thoughts that I normally wouldn't have. As I got up and dusted myself off, following everyone back to the bench for another drink of water, I convinced myself that those thoughts I'd just had about Levi were nothing at all and quietly listened as he began to tell us about the rest of today's schedule. Lunch then cleaning the stables and some obscure section of the main HQ building. Boring. But at least it wasn't as much hard effort as hand to hand combat training was...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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