Chapter 9: Change will set one Free

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Weeks were passing as the struggles only grew harder, so gathered in the council room, Paul and Elizabeth sat with Stilgar as Jessica stood next to Reverend Mother Ramallo. "Harkonnen patrols have taken more risks, coming deeper into the southern regions than ever before," he informs them with the nervous rubbing of his hands.

Paul shot a look over at Elizabeth and looks back to Stilgar, "Sooner or later, our bribes to the guild won't be enough to protect us." he states and looks to Mother Ramallo then to Jessica. The dread heavy on his mind.

Then he looks to the Siblings as they flick their eyes to Jessica who stiffens. "We knew would happen Stil, we just didn't expect it to happen so soon," Elizabeth tells him. Stilgar nods his head at her. "Then it's agreed. We move with the next moons. When the Harkonnens find this place, there must be nothing left but the wind howling through the rocks." Stilgar tells them.

Jessica kneels on the ground as Mother Ramallo turns to her, sensing Jessica's fear. "There's no turning back now." she tells her, Jessica inhales deeply and looks at her, Elizabeth then flicks her eyes to Stilgar, "Stil, one more thing before we do this," she tells him and Stilgar looks at her. She flicks her eyes to Mother Ramallo, who nods at her and she flicks her eyes. "When Mother Ramallo passes on, she requested that I be the one to drink her waters," she informs him.

Stilgar looks to Mother Ramallo as did Jessica as she nods to the both of them, "She must open her eyes and awaken to finally see." she informs them. Stilgar thinks for a moment and bows his head to her. Paul inhales as he grips his sister's hand and she places her other on top, knowing he was worried about what will happen next.


Gathered in the deeps below, a Marker slithers in the sandpit. Tollok and Imre were dressed in their water gather gear, looking up to Mother Ramallo. "Subdue the Maker," she orders them.

They bow their heads to her and walk towards the crank. Above on the terrace, Paul and Elizabeth stood next to Stilgar as Jessica held Mother Ramallo's hand. Chani joins the others down below, hiking her water collector dress and tucks it into her waist rope.

Tollok grabs the crank and began to turn it, drain pipe began making noise, Elizabeth looks down and saw water slipping out at first then came like the roaring current of a river, the second then followed filling the pit below.

They all watch as something was moving in the water, Paul shot a look at Stilgar, gripping Elizabeth's hand then with a roar a maker surfaces, Jessica jumps back a little as it submerges. Imre and Tollok step into the water, the maker roaring at them, Chani stood by with the water collector in hand.

The two stood ready as they watched the maker slither through the waters, then they both surprise it, gripping it tightly. It roars trying to escape their grasps. Elizabeth watches with worry as her eyes locked onto Imre. Who held the head of the Maker. Chani then steps into the water pit, the collector ready as Imre pushes the maker's head underwater, slowly killing it.

Gripping Paul's shoulder, Elizabeth couldn't help but feel... terrified for the Maker, Paul shot a look at her as Stilgar shot a look over at them. Imre then lifts the head of the maker as it was inches away from death, Chani places the collector at the head of the maker as it vomits the water in, then Imre with the help of Tollok places the Maker's head in the water collector. The others watched from above as the Maker was struggling less and less.

Then with one last shriek, it went limp in their arms, the two let it go as it floats on the water's surface, then the three looked up at them. "The Maker is dead," Tollok said to them as Chani held up the collector. "The water of life," she said to them, Imre exhales as he pulls back his headdress.

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