Bury her in my heart

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"Aren't you having her funeral? You should let your daughter go. Already ten days have passed, man. This is not right."

"Let's shut up and just drink."

"Don't you think it's about time for you to let her go?"

"Let's just drink, boss!"

"There's a saying that dead parents are buried in the ground, but dead children are buried in our hearts. What I mean is you should bury your daughter in your heart now."

"No! don't you dare preach such bullshit. You can't fathom how I really feel. My Ji-yeon... All because of her incompetent dad, she was pitifully killed. How can I burry her in my heart? I just can't... I can't burry my Ji-yeon in my heart. Until I catch that bastard, there's no space to bury her in my heart. that bastard who killed my Ji-yeon.... I'll catch that son of a bitch. I'll tell him into pieces and even make them into powder. Only then, Ji-yeon.. I'll bury my Ji-yeon then. So... stop telling me to bury her in my heart. Don't try to give me bullshit condolences. Just drink."

- Bad guys

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