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The war was over, but there was still a lot of work left to do before life could get back to normal. 

Rubies and emeralds lay scattered across the entrance floor, amidst a pile of rubble and debris, and here and there a body, a person, waiting to be retrieved by their loved ones.

The castle was eerie with silence but Hermione didn't feel scared, the worst was already over, she had seen it with her own eyes.

Back in the Great Hall of the castle, where the final battle had happened, the rest of the survivors had gathered to celebrate the ending of the Second Wizarding War. The dead had been appropriately handled, water and butterbeer had been passed and everyone had huddled together to drink to all the souls that were lost.

Hermione had left Ron wrapped in his mother's arms, his face pale and stricken with sorrow. She had wanted to be there for him, tried to console him, but after a while, her presence had felt unwanted. She had slipped out unnoticed and was now walking aimlessly down the destroyed corridors.

"Everything is going to change now, isn't it?" a voice said and her hand instinctively flew to her wand pocket. There was a soft swish and Harry Potter materialized in front of her, face stained with dirt and blood. He gave her a half-grin as she snatched the invisibility cloak from him and tucked it into the small beaded purse that had somehow survived the battle.

She sighed, extending her arm towards him.

"Yes, it will," she said as he grabbed her arm and linked it with hers, "for the better I hope."

He nodded slowly, eyes focused on the stone floor as they walked. Hermione watched him carefully, he looked exhausted, like a person that hadn't slept a wink over the last year. She almost let out a giggle as she imagined that was exactly how she must look too.

"So you and Ron then?" he asked after a while. Hermione let out a long sigh.

"I don't know, I mean yeah, it was all rather impulsive don't you think?"

Harry smiled, "Yes, definitely."

"And then- Fred-"

A small sob escaped her lips and Harry pressed her arm softly. She shook her head, smiling sadly.

"He will be okay, we will be okay, healing needs time."

Harry nodded in agreement. So many lives had been lost, so many families destroyed. Hermione thought of Lupin and Tonks, their bodies lying next to each other on the floor of the Great Hall while their son slept safely at home, a lump growing in her throat.

She looked at Harry, a boy orphaned at the same age. Voldemort had lost, but he had stolen another boy's life once more. Now it was their turn to rebuild, to find love and laughter after years of pain, to remember the ones they had lost, and to cherish those they had saved.

"We should head back," Hermione said in a small voice, her mind twisting and turning with the events of the day. Harry nodded and arm in arm they walked back to the Great Hall, back to what remained of the family they had built over the past seven years.

They found the Weasleys huddled together in the far end corner of the hall. They wanted to walk towards them, but somehow their presence felt like a violation. The pair hovered at the front door instead, unsure of what to do next.

"Oh Potter, Granger," Hermione and Harry looked up to see Professor McGonagall hurrying towards them. She gave them a quick hug, cupping both their faces with her small hands. "We are regrouping at the Burrow, I must stay and oversee cleanup but we need to get the Weasleys out of here."

"We'll take care of them, Professor," Harry said and Hermione nodded. McGonagall gave them a nod and walked past them hurriedly, beckoning towards Filch who strutted up behind her with his broom.

Harry and Hermione walked towards the Weasleys with caution. As they reached the group, Ginny let out a long sob and threw herself into Harry's arms, hiding her face in his neck. Hermione watched them and her heart ached for her friend, for the family that had taken her in like a second daughter. Things were never going to be the same for them.

She looked back at the rest of them and her eyes caught Ron's. She wanted to hug him too, to give him any type of consolation, but his eyes were dark and whatever he felt for Hermione seemed to be hidden underneath the shadows of pain.

"McGonagall says we should go back to the Burrow," she said softly, "the Order has agreed to regroup there."

Mr. Weasley nodded silently, grabbing Mrs. Weasley by the arm and leading her out of the hall. The rest of the family stood up somberly and followed them out.


"What do you mean disbanded?"

The scene at the Burrow's kitchen was one of exhaustion and confusion. Night had fallen and McGonagall sat at the table, her thin hands gripping a goblet of Firewhisky. Charlie Weasley was sitting across from her, a look of utter bewilderment on his face.

"Exactly what you think it means, Mr. Weasley," replied McGonagall, a small smile pulling at her lips. Hermione poured some firewhisky for herself and took a seat next to Ron at the other end of the table. They had been waiting for the rest of the Order members to show up, but it had taken all day for most of them to arrive as they had been busy dealing with the aftermath of the battle.

"So what happens now?" Harry asked from the kitchen door. He had an arm wrapped firmly around Ginny's waist, as if he were afraid that she'd disappear into thin air like so many others he had loved.

"Now... well... I suppose now we go home and heal," said McGonagall softly.

Hermione looked around at everyone gathered in the tiny kitchen. All of them were people she loved dearly, people she would've given her life to protect, but it was those who had given their to protect hers that she couldn't help but see. She saw the usual spot where Remus and Tonks had sat in during the days before the Minsitry fell, hands intertwined as they discussed their plans to protect Harry, she saw Fred standing next to George, because how could she look at George without seeing his brother standing next to him, a wicked smile on his face.

"What about the other Death Eaters?" Harry asked, loudly, "what about all the ones that escaped, we should be out there looking for them!"

McGonagall opened her mouth to reply, but a loud "pop!" was heard right outside the door and everyone froze, hands hovering over their wands.

Harry looked out the window and, without hesitation, opened the door to let Kingsley in.

"Good evening," he said, ever so formal. Harry shook his hand and handed him a goblet of firewhisky.

"Just in time for the toast," he said darkly. Kingsley nodded solemnly.

"Before we toast to our dear friends," he said, nodding towards Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, "I have some announcements. I'm sure you're wondering what will happen now and given that you were instrumental in the battle and war, I thought it was only appropriate to tell you everything myself. I have been appointed Interim Minister for Magic, the appropriate security measures have been taken and aurors are gathering all the Death Eathers that escaped the battle. However, it is not over yet. The worst is over, but there is still plenty to be done. I am going to be implementing protective enchantments over all of your private residences and the Ministry will arrange for Hogwarts to be rebuilt before the next school year. Needless to say, the rest of the school year is cancelled."

Everyone nodded in agreement and the air seemed to relax slightly, Kingsley's words, his authority, gave a feeling of finality to everything and Hermione couldn't help but feel relieved that someone else was in charge of picking up the mess that Voldemort had left behind. She, for once, was done with responsibility.

"And now," Kingsley lifted his cup into the air, "let's toast to our dearest friends who gave their lives for peace. They fought valiantly, fearlessly and it is because of their sacrifice that we're standing here right now, surrounded by family, by love. To Fred, Remus, Tonks, Alastor, Albus and Sirius. We will live everyday for them, and we will rebuild this world into one they would've been proud of."

Everyone raised their arms and small sobs broke the silence as they drank. 

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