Chapter Eleven

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Hermione sat by herself in the Great Hall eating dinner. Her mind was still racing from the session with Professor Gray two days ago and she felt slightly nauseous. When she had asked about breaking the bond she had felt cold, but she had a feeling that if she actually went through with it the pain could be excruciating. 

She remembered Seamus' heart-wrenching scream and wondered if the reason why he'd been in so much pain was because he'd been made aware that the bond was broken. Curious, she looked around, but soon realized she hadn't seen Seamus since that day in McGonagalls office. She had just made a mental note to look for him in the Hospital wing when she had some free time, when Ginny came storming into the hall followed by Harry.

"I hate that stupid woman!" she exclaimed as she sat down across from her. Hermione grinned at her friends.

"Met Vivian have you?"

"Ugh Vivian, don't get me started," Dean said, sliding into the seat next to Hermione. "She had me and Pansy holding hands and staring into our eyes in silence for a full hour."

"What'd she do to you?" Hermione asked Ginny, trying to hold back a giggle.

"She asked Harry if he had lied about the bond so that we could be together because she claims she doesn't feel a very strong bond between us, and THEN she said it's probably my fault and that I'm trying to block it because I supress everything."

"What a bitch," whispered, Hermione, although she suspected Vivian wasn't entirely worng about that.

"You never told us about your session," Harry asked, his face full of concern. Hermione shrugged.

"She asked us to talk to each other because we're experts at ignoring the others' existence. Then she almost had a fit when Malfoy told her he'd been there when Bellatrix cut me up like sashimi."


Hermione shrugged.

"It was fine, really, although Malfoy's been acting strange, he hasn't slept in the room for the last two days."

"Well- Malfoy's been acting strange all year. Remember when he yelled at Zabini? That definitely wasn't Vivian's doing." Ginny said, giving Hermione's arm a squeeze.

"I'm sorry," Harry suddenly said, "that I haven't been able to get you out of this- and- and about Ron."

Hermione raised her brow at him, confused.

"None of this is your fault, Harry, especially not Ronald behaving like an absolute arse. Besides, Vivian says she can help me break the bond at the end of the year."

Harry and Ginny exchanged a concerned look, but Hermione was distracted by Ron's arrival at the table. He was looking as sour as ever as he sat with them and grabbed some food.

Harry glanced at Hermione before patting Ron on the back.

"Alright, Ron? How was practice?"

Ron grunted as he stuffed his face with mashed potatoes.

"S'fine," he grumbled and Ginny rolled her eyes disgusted.

"Hey, Ron! I heard Gabrielle is arriving tomorrow!" Neville said from further down the table, where he was holding hands with Cho Chang. Harry turned to look at his friend, incredulous.

"Really? You never mentioned, Ron," he said, smirking. Ron shot a guilty look at Hermione before swallowing his food.

"Yeah, she's apparently transferring here. I don't know much, to be honest."

Not wanting to hear more, Hermione grabbed her books and slipped out of the Hall. She was hoping to get some light reading in before going to bed, and was not interested in hanging around until Ron decided to verbally abuse her. He still hadn't apologized to her, but he had started throwing the occasional compliment her way, which she took as a temporary truce.

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