Chapter Six

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"Very well then," McGonagall said signalling towards the student closest to her, "up you come Mr. Longbottom."

Neville stood frozen in his spot, but Luna gave him an encouraging nudge and he walked up towards McGonagalls desk.

"Drink," she said, pointing towards the goblet, "and read the name that will appear engraved on its side out loud if you please."

Neville drank from the goblet, he had turned a deep shade of green and whatever was in the goblet didn't seem to help. He put it down carefully and waited. After a few seconds there was a collective gasp, as a name began to carve itself onto the cup.

"What does it say Mr. Longbottom?"

"Ch-" Neville choked slightly, "Cho Chang."

There was another collective gasp as everyone turned to look for Cho. She was standing a few feet away from Hermione, her lips slightly parted in shock. McGonagall scribbled something onto the parchment and beckoned for Cho to walk up towards her. Shaking, the girl made her way to her and both her and Neville hunched over the desk as McGonagall whispered instructions to them. With a wave of her hand, Neville and Cho turned and walked out of the room.

"Oh my GOD," Hermione breathed, slowly starting to panic, "did you see their faces? I can't do this, no, there's no way. I can't!"

Harry grabbed her hand an pulled her closer to him.

"Relax," he whispered, "breathe, Hermione, breathe, it's all going to be fine."

"No it WON'T" she snapped, her voice still a whisper, "what if it's Ron?"

Harry looked at her, confused, and Hermione realized he had no idea what had happened between the two of them during the summer.

"He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" he whispered back.

"We're not together anymore."

Harry choked slightly on his own breath and Ginny gave him a quick glare, shushing them. Luna had taken the goblet and was now drinking from it.

"Blaise Zabini," she read aloud and Harry thought he could hear a tinge of humor in her dreamy voice. Some people snorted and several Slytherins snickered as Zabini walked towards Luna, stony-faced.

Crabbe was paired with Millicent Bulstrode, which everyone found hilarious, and then Susan Bones with Padma Patil, which got a few curious looks, but it wasn't until Seamus took the goblet in his hands and drank its contents that the seriousness of the situation seemed to fall upon them like icy mist.

Seamus placed the cup back on the desk and waited for the words to form, but then a painful groan escaped him, and he fell to his knees sobbing uncontrollably. Dean rushed over to his best friend and McGonagall stood up, alarmed.

"Mr. Finnigan!" she exclaimed, "Mr. Finnigan, what is it?"

But Seamus couldn't stop crying, it was the sound of absolute heartbreak, pain that made Hermione's breath hitch and she wasn't surprised to feel tears falling down her cheeks as well.

Dean grabbed the goblet that Seamus was now holding between his hands and his face paled as he read the words.

"Professor," he said, his voice breaking, "it says- it says, Lavender Brown."

A stony silence fell upon the room and everyone seemed to stop breathing. The only sounds were Seamus' heart-wrenching sobs and McGonagall's whispered words of comfort. After a few minutes, Madam Pomfrey ran into the room accompanied by professor Slughorn and a woman Hermione had never seen before. Together, the three of them escorted Seamus out of the office.

Once they had left, McGonagall cleared her throat and stood back up.

"As I said earlier, it can bring dangerous consequences. Mr. Thomas, you're next."

Dean didn't move, Hermione could feel that the air in the room had changed. People were no longer giggling and whispering to each other. With trembling hands, Dean took the goblet and drank its contents. If he seemed relieved, it was because his soulmate was alive, and not because he was excited by a future with her.

"Pansy Parkinson," he read, and McGonagall nodded, signaling the pair to leave the room.

"Mr. Potter," she said, "would you do us the honor?"

Hermione gave his hand a little encouraging squeeze and Harry turned to Ginny. They stared deeply into each other's eyes, and Hermione looked away, feeling like she was invading a very personal moment. He gave Ginny a small kiss on the lips and walked up to McGonagall. As soon as he let go of Ginny, Hermione felt her friend's strength dwindle and she looped her arm with hers to support her.

Harry drank from the goblet and everyone seemed to hold their breath.

"Ginevra Weasley," he finally said, with a smile. Ginny let out a shuddering breath and threw herself into his arms. With a final encouraging look towards their friends, the happy couple left the office.

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall called and Hermione felt her heart drop to her feet. Shaking, she walked up to the headmistress' desk, her mind racing. She tried to think about what the worst thing that could happen was.

Is it worse if he's dead? Or if he's Ron?

Her heart ached as she reached for the goblet, she glanced back at Ron before bringing the goblet to her lips. He was looking at her, almost hopefully, and the little pieces of her heart that had shattered during the summer seemed to tremble in fear. She tipped the goblet and drank. 

Almost immediately, she felt warmth rush through her body, warmth that made her realize she'd been shivering cold all along. The golden liquid seemed to wrap itself around her heart, weaving the pieces back together, and when she lowered the goblet, her eyes locked on silver. For a second, she felt complete, and then the potion vanished, the warmth left her and she realized the silver eyes that had caught her gaze belonged to her very own nightmare.

"No," she breathed, panicking, she didn't need to look at the goblet to read the name. She understood why Seamus had reacted the way he had, she understood why he had cried as if he'd been in physical pain. The second she had locked eyes with him, she had known, the goblet had shown her, had made her feel it. The bond. It was as if it'd always been there before, but she'd been blind, now she could feel it, pulling her towards him, ancient magic pulsing through her veins.

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall asked, pulling Hermione away from her thoughts, "what does the goblet say?"

Hermione looked down and saw the words engraved on the golden cup, she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She looked up and found his eyes once more. He already knew. His face was pale, even paler than before. And she could see the realization slowly trickling down on him. She opened her mouth to speak once more, but couldn't find any words.

"Miss Granger-" McGonagall stood up, concerned, "Miss Granger who is it?"

"It's me."

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