Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The next morning, they found Professor McGonagall and Amanda Locke waiting for then in the common room. They stood there in silence while the seventh years trickled down from their rooms and gathered around them sleepy-eyed. Draco and Hermione hung at the back of the crowd and Draco pulled her back into his chest.

He could feel her mind buzzing as she scanned the room, studying their classmates, she had spent half the night worrying about everyone and when Draco had finally managed to convince her to sleep, she'd woken up screaming from her nightmares.

He pressed his lips to the top of her head and she relaxed against him, allowing him to wrap his arms around her.

"They're going to be fine," he whispered into her ear, "a bit pissed off, but fine."

She snickered.

"Gather round, please," McGonagall said to the last students and a hush spread around the common room. Draco saw Ginny and Harry exchange nervous looks.

"I have an announcement," the headmistress began, her face severe, "early this morning the Ministry announced that they will be removing the binding spells placed on you at the beginning of the term."

Whispers broke out around the room as students looked at each other, confused. McGonagall raised her hands, quieting them down.

"I will not pretend to agree with the Ministry's methods, but before you ask questions allow me to explain."

McGonagall then proceeded to tell them about their inexistent soulmate bonds, and how the Ministry had placed a binding spell on the goblet in order to ensure an increase in relationships that year. As she spoke, Draco watched his friends' faces turn from confusion, to horror, to rage.

"So you lied to us!" Blaise suddenly yelled, startling the headmistress. She pursed her lips in disapproval.

"I remind you, Mr. Zabini, that this was government mandated action, my hands were tied."

"What happens now?" Dean asked, shooting a nervous look towards Pansy who had crossed her arms over her chest and was staring at the wall, her face blank.

"Now, Mr. Thomas, you get that binding spell removed and go back to focusing on your N.E.W.T.s"

"Is this a joke!" Parvati yelled, "you made us share rooms! You told us we were meant to be together and now what? Is everyone just supposed to go back to the way it was before?"

McGonagall sighed.

"The Ministry continues to encourage relationships between young adults, if you wish to remain in your current accommodations you may do so. Remember, the three-year marriage policy has not changed. If you are not married within the next three years, the Ministry will arrange one for you."

Angry murmurs broke out in the room. Blaise turned to look at Draco, who was still holding Hermione, his face contorted with rage.

"I told you this was all bullshit," he said loudly, and Draco felt Hermione stiffen. "They tried to punish you for what you did during the war by bonding you with her."

"Shut it, Blaise," Malfoy snarled, his voice dangerously low.

Zabini turned to McGonagall "when will you remove it?" he shouted, and McGonagall nodded towards the witch standing behind her.

"Right now," she snapped, "Please line up behind Mr. Zabini and Miss Lovegood and we'll have your bonds removed."

Draco and Hermione watched as the seventh years lined up and got their bonds removed. Amanda Locke raised her wand, just as she had when she had removed theirs, and smoke coiled around the couples. But unlike Draco and Hermione, no one collapsed or screamed out in pain. They simply watched the mysterious smoke with impassive faces. Once the last couple had gotten their bonds removed, the witch walked out of the common room without ever saying a word.

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