Chapter Ten

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"Let's get started then," Professor Gray said, clapping her hands together once. Hermione jumped up slightly, startled by the noise.

"So, tell me a little bit about what happened last Thursday, in the headmistress' office."

When no one moved an inch, Vivian turned to Malfoy, a soft smile on her face.

"Why don't you go first, Draco?"

Malfoy looked up, surprised to hear his name, as if he'd forgotten he was there at all.

"Uhm- okay-" he said, his voice softer and weaker than the loud rude boy Hermione remembered.

"Well, I was standing at the back of the crowd, because I didn't want to be called up in front of everyone."

"Were you scared?" Vivian asked, but Malfoy shook his head.

"I've known I would be in an arranged marriage my entire life, for as long as I can remember, the only thing that scared me, I guess, was how random this whole thing felt. Before it was up to my parents, now they were feeding us some bullshit about fate."

"And do you still think it's bullshit?" Vivian asked. Malfoy didn't reply, he just stared straight ahead, lost in whatever thought he was having.


"No. I mean- I don't know. 

"I felt it, when she walked up and grabbed the goblet, I felt something. And I think she felt it too, she was giving Weasley this horrible look as if she knew that all this time they'd been fighting over nothing. 

"But it wasn't until she drank the contents that the real bond appeared, she didn't have to say anything. She just looked at me and something inside of me whispered- something- and I knew it was me."

Vivian nodded encouragingly but Malfoy seemed to sink deeper into the couch.

"Did you feel it, Hermione?" she asked, turning to face her. Hermione, who had been staring at Malfoy in disbelief felt blood rushing up to her face and looked away.

"Yes," she said, softly, "something like that- yes."

Vivian nodded and scribbled something down.

After a few seconds, Vivian looked back at them, pondering.

"So- Would you say that you've been friends for the past seven years?"

Malfoy snorted and Hermione choked slightly, making Vivian's brows fly up to her forehead.

"I see," she made a quick note, "acquaintances then?"

"More like hated each other's guts," Malfoy said, irritated and Hermione nodded.

"Hate-ed?" Vivian asked, her lips twitching, "you used the past tense Draco."

Hermione felt her cheeks flush red once more and stared at her fingers, incredibly frustrated by her body's inability to remain impassive in the situation. Malfoy hesitated and he shot Hermione a glance for the first time in days.

"Things- I- the war- it changed some things."

"Because Hermione testified in the Wizengamot?" Vivian asked softly, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"I really don't think we should talk about that," Malfoy snapped, his eyes focused on Hermione. 

Blood had drained from her face when he had mentioned the war and she touched her left arm unconsciously. Malfoy's eyes followed her hand, eyebrows furrowed.

"I think that's enough actually," he said, a little softer.

"Draco," said Vivian softly, "in order to help you, I need to know your history. I understand that this is a sensitive topic for you bu-"

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