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Laura was nervous, her body rattled with fear as she approached Toby White. He walked the hallways alone as he went from class to class. Students backed away when he got close, with every step that they took he frowned and looked away. Laura came running up behind him, she called his name as she extended her hand and grabbed his arm roughly making him turn. She noticed his glare and retracted her hand and stepped back once.

"What do you want?" He snarled at her.

"I'm sorry, okay! I really am" she announced loud enough so that heads turned and looked at them as they spoke. "Last night when the killer called me I panicked, I was scared and you're the first person I thought of. I don't know why but I just did and I falsely accused you of something so messed up that it could ruin your life and I don't want that. I mean it" she said and he watched her with a confused look, his right eyebrow cocked upwards and his lips twitched almost into a smile but he fought it back. "Please, forgive me. I really didn't mean for you to get the backlash of my mistake".

Toby smiled and looked down at his feet for a moment before looking back up at her with a tilt. She returned the smile. He leant in. "Go to hell", he said with a sweet smile before he turned and walked off, leaving her standing there shocked. She put her heart into that and he shut her down and walked off without another word.

She turned and went to walk away and froze when she saw Sidney standing off to the side watching her. She frowned and walked towards her.

"I tried" she said.

Sidney smiled softly. "It might take him a while to forgive you. I can't imagine having the police bust your door down would do wonders for your social life".

Laura chuckled and adjusted her bag. "I don't want to be here. I'd prefer to just leave".

Sidney glanced around, then smiled at her. "Let's go then. School is not the best place to be right now".

Laura was shocked that Sidney was suggesting that she just ditch. But after what Laura has been through in the past 24 hours, she was happy to do it. She agreed and they hurried out, making sure nobody noticed them leaving out the back. Toby watched them leave from the window, his teeth gritted and he turned and walked away down the hall. His phone suddenly rang and he answered it.


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