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Wade and Richmond sat across from Toby who was sitting on the desk chair in the corner of the room near the white wooden desk where Wade's laptop was stationed with the lid folded down halfway. Toby clapped his hands together. "So, what's happening with the Stab-Athon?" he asked, and the others looked at him with a cold and shocked expression. He noticed. "What?"

"How can you even be thinking about that?" Wade spat, still in shock over what happened today at school. "Jesus people died today. Our friend died today!"

Toby understood where they were coming from. "Look man, I'm sorry. But I've been doing this every year for a while now and everyone loves it", he spoke. "It's tradition and I need to know if you two will be helping or should I find someone else?"

The door opened and they turned.

"Helping with what?" Asked Clancy as she walked in.

Clancy looked at Wade and he smiled brightly at her and she returned the gesture. She sat beside him and kissed him on the cheek. She wore a black zip pocket borg jacket, a white button up beneath it and blue jeans with brown leather boots. She removed her jacket and placed it beside the bed and then clapped her hands together and looked around the room, Toby all of a sudden wasn't able to meet her eyes.

"Hmmm? Why have we all gone silent?"

"Toby wants to know who is helping him with the Stab-Athon tomorrow night" Richmond admitted while glaring at him.

He returned the glare.

"We think it's a little insensitive however".

Clancy nodded with a smirk. "Oh, it's very insensitive but what better what to bring the kids together then with a movie festival", Wade gave her a worrying look and she frowned and chuckled. "The Stab-Athon would have happened with or without this happening, so why cancel it now because some people were butchered?"

Richmond just raised his eyebrows and looked away."Clancy, where is this coming from?"

"Dude I ran an amazing story this afternoon after what happened at the school. Do you know where this can take me?" She explained. "I have never received such a response from people, it was mostly negative, but I stirred something up within them. Something that made me want to keep going with this" she went on.

Wade slid away from her. "Keep going with what?"

"Reporting! I feel like Gale Weathers. They are treating me like Gale Weathers!"

She argued her case."I don't believe you" Wade commented.

Richmond and Toby exchanged worrying looks but stayed silent."These people died today and you're cashing in on them like they are nothing!"

"Check your conscious at the door sweetie, I'm not here to be loved!" Clancy said loudly with a bang in her voice. "My job is to be honest and ready".

"That doesn't mean worshipping people dying" Richmond said quietly from behind. "Because that's just fucking heartless".

Wade didn't like arguing with her, she was fierce and ready for anything that came her way. Wade however sided with Richmond and nodded. She noticed and gave him a look of disappointment and disapproval. Toby watched with amusement but remained silent. He didn't want to interrupt this precious moment.

"Whatever" Clancy said before standing up.Wade commented.

"Don't just leave because we don't agree with you!"She snarled and turned to them both.

"Watch me!"

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