Chapter One

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It had seemed to be a usual Monday morning or at least seemed to be and Sophia, a small and shy student, sat down in her seat, hoisting her school bag up onto her desk and beginning to neatly unpack her school books and pens for the first lesson of the day, flicking her long and shimmery hair from her eyes as it seemed to poke at them, sometimes wishing that she simply would tie it out of the way, but she often liked hiding behind it, it was a bit like her own safety blanket and gave her the very small sense of security as she was quite a shy natured person and very sweet one at the same time even though she never thought much about herself and never bothered to try and see herself in a positive light, her life felt too busy to barely even have time to think especially now it was another new year of school and had easily just slipped into being somewhat of a wallflower already. 

Her concentration on briefly arranging her desk was broken as a few students began to trickle into the room, no one she seemed to really even know the names of though and after quickly glancing around, she felt tinges of her loneliness as usual, she was early in the sunlit classroom at least which relieved her and she knew her loneliness should soon fade as soon as the lesson began anyway, it was English after all and sometimes that seemed to be boring but she was at least looking forward to History which was scheduled next, the highlight of her days was the classes she actually enjoyed and then finally going home and briefly relaxing after she did all her homework.

Lost in her own little world, she hardly even noticed the classroom filling with the other students as she set up her books and flipped open the book to the page that was written to on the blackboard, soon beginning to focus on the lesson, only several moments into it though, everyone, including, the teacher's  attentions was broken when the classroom door opened and in walked what appeared to be a new student, Sophia instantly bit her lip for some reason she couldn't explain as her gaze fell over the girl, she looked older than her with bleach blonde shoulder length hair and was dressed in a leather jacket, with some worn looking jeans and she looked angry, she somehow seemed to remind her of a vampire in a way or that whole stereotypical bad girl, the types of people she usually felt intrigued by but tried to avoid like she felt she was expected to.

Sophia figured the vampire bad girl vibe came to mind because the girl had a very pale completion which was more noticeable because of all the dark colours she wore and also the fact she seemed like she wanted to be at school even less than the other students who despised it, she also was dressed nothing like the others and Sophia couldn't help wonder if she was a senior student or someone's older sibling in the wrong classroom or coming to fetch someone for something "Late on your first day!" The teacher exclaimed, looking in distaste at the new girl as if was a dark presence that had just entered the room, even though the new mysterious girl did want to radiate that energy, Sophia couldn't help feel a wave of sympathy for the new girl, since she wasn't a fan of the English teacher herself and knew how mean or unfair and judgy that particular English teacher could be, she also knew how nervous she felt coming to school and she had attended that school for a while now so she couldn't begin to imagine the feeling of being a new student there when a new day caused her enough anxiety and even worse, the start of a new school year. 

"She is too old to be here and she isn't even dressed for school!" exclaimed one of the popular and very nasty girls sat near the front of the classroom who Sophia was pretty sure named Emily.

"I believe she is meant to be here, she is just late!" The teacher corrected as the blonde glared at the girl, her stare seeming like she wanted to punch her but also like she didn't really care about her opinion, which was true, the new girl, Clover, was actually shy under her outgoing and annoyed front, she seemed  to have a problem with everyone for no reason, but seeming uptight and angry was her mask as no one really knew or saw what was going on beneath her glare or smirk, she liked it that way and she had thought she would never let anyone get to know her or get close to her, however she hadn't known her feelings would change, but for some reason, her eyes had glanced over at Sophia almost like she subconsciously could tell they'd be much more than strangers soon and she was unable to stop her thoughts about how much she reminded her of a shy little fairy, her light porcelain skin seeming to glimmer in the dull light of the classroom, her blue silver eyes sparkling as they peeked through her glossy fringe, her hair looked made of silk and even she couldn't help glance at her for what she knew was too long before glancing back to the teacher, as much as she had no respect for the teacher, she was kind of glad in a way to be at the school, it was odd, but her life was odd in general and she didn't want to share it with anyone, but she also wanted to keep her front up for now so she raised her eyebrows at the teacher. 

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