Chapter 2

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I wake up to my sister shaking my shoulder "hey [Y/N] get up we are here" hope says smiling. I get up and get out the train, a old lady comes up to us and says " you must be [Y/N], Hope mikaelson, oh jeez where are my manners? I'm Minerva McGonagall but from now on you can call me profesor McGonagall" Me and Hope shake professor McGonagall's hand.

"We should get going" as we follow her to the castle she's says " I know you two don't usually need wands so you can do magic but here at hogwarts your gonna need them! Where are your wands?" She says. Me and Hope take out our wands. " good, come on"

once we go inside the castle we're about to open the great hall doors but she stops and says " The both of you will be need to be sorted into your houses there is Gryffindor,HufflePuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." Before McGonagall opens the door me and Hope take a big breath and walk inside like Queens everyone's jaw drops when they meet their gaze at Me and Hope.

We make it to a table where I think are the profesor's are sitting at.. A old man with a very long beard gets up and starts saying some speech. I hear a girl right behind me sitting down at one of the tables I realize that it's the girl I bumped into at kings cross station

" Wait a minute those are the mikaelsons" she says talking to a boy with round glasses and a scar on the right side of his forehead

" who are the mikaelsons" the boy says " THE original family.. Their grandma is literally the Original witch! Their aunts and uncles are the original vampires!! Also their long lost aunt who is one of the oldest most powerful witches." She replies back. " bloody hell" a boy with orange hair says. " Also their father who is the original hybrid Vampire and Werewolf.. OH! And their mother is the werewolf alpha..that's pretty wicked right?!"

Then I see another boy with platinum blonde hair " Looks like their gonna be placed in Slytherin" he says smirking.

I smile and pay attention to the old man who's name I think is Profesor dumbledore. He finally finished his speech and calls Hope up to the chair to get sorted by the sorting hat " ravenclaw" the hat called out I hear applause and frowns from the other houses.Hope walks over to a table filled with Ravenclaws. I finally get called up and sit down on the chair.. " SLYTHERIN" the hat called out once more, I walked up to the Slytherin table feeling like a queen. I sit down next to some random girl with a bunch of eyes on me especially the Boys👀, There's a empty plate in front of me and in a blink of an eye there's food on my plate. I raise one of my eye brows and start eating. Once I finish I get up from my seat with hope at the same time until I feel a hand around my wrist. I look back and see a boy "May I walk you to your dorm? I'm Blaise by the way" The boy said "Well Blaise, that's nice of you but I'm pretty sure I can find my way around the castle" You say with a smirk, you said No because you knew your father would not like you around with boys let alone look at one. Blaise lets go of your wrist and you walk away from him leaving the great hall filled with laughs from the Slytherin table.

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