Chapter 7

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~ you and the golden trio get through half the day with school~

You sigh as your walking to your last class that is until you come across a big crowd of students. You OBVIOUSLY walk over to the crowd to see what was happening

"HAHAHA I ALSO HEARD THAT {y/n} LOST AGAINST ANOTHER WITCH AND CRIED ABOUT IT SHES SO PAThEtIc" the girl said laughing and smirking. She had an ugly shade of brown and nappy hair, her nose basically looked like a pugs nose.

You shoved everyone out of the way and walked up TO HER FACE LIKE RIGHT AT HER FACE and looked her up and down and scoffed. "What's the matter huh? Got nothing to say?" The UGLY girl says. "You have absolutely no idea who your messing with do you love? Well I'm {Y/N} Mikaelson and you are..Hmmm I'm going to call you *gasp* ahh what about pug face? Sounds nice ain't it?" You say. "My names Pansy Parkingson! And your just weak and worthless I bet I can beat you in a duel!" Pansy says. "Very well, hmm well first of all you heard wrong..I actually happend to kill the witch *scoff* your weaker then everyone here."

You look her straight in the eye and use compulsion. " well pansy are you weaker then all the students here at hogwarts? Tell the truth" you say smirking visciously. "It's true I am weaker then everyone here, I've kept it a secret because I don't want people hurting me. The truth is my family bloodline is filled with weak witches and wizards" pansy says with a tear coming out of her eye.

The whole crowd of students start laughing and "ooooing"

"WAIT WHY AM I TELLING YOU THIS?! ARE YOU SOME SORT OF MANIPULATOR?! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FREAK?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Pansy says backing away from you ready to run away from the crowd. You look her straight in the eye and use compulsión once again "stay still." you say. "You know nothing..I happen to be a Tribid *you clear your throat* I'm a vampire, wolf, and a you don't stand a chance! HAHA YOU STILL WANNA DO A DUEL WITH ME?! DO YOU?!"
You say as if you were a demon from hell.

Pansy screams out.

Once again you walk up to her face and spit at her then use compulsion "know your can go now"
You say. Pansy runs to her last class wobbling not knowing where she's going.

You get to your last class and sit next to Draco malfoy

"Ahhh look who it is..hey may I ask you a question?" Draco spits out.
"Yess? What do you want" you say not interested on what he's going to ask (you were doodling btw). "Since I couldn't ask you properly like a gentlemen last time I want to give it one more try. ~Draco clears hit throat~ M'lady may I please take you on a date? It will be very fancy and I will give you whatever you'd like!" Draco says in a manly voice with his voice cracking a bit.

"Hmm let me think about it..NO..IM NEVER GONNA LET YOU TAKE ME ON A DATE OK GO WITH YOUR STUPID GIRLFRIEND should've seen what I did to her earlier in the hall, ask anyone here what happend.."

Draco gets up hesitantly going up to a gryffindor "H-Hey you mudblood tell me what happend in the hallway with {Y/N} and Pansy or else."

"I- ok well I was walking to this class and I saw a huge crowd and of course I walked to it and when I did I saw pansy crying and {y/n} was all up in her face." The gryffindor says scared.

"Well what did they say?"

"I don't quite remember I'm so s-sorry"

Draco walks back angry as hell to you.

"Ok tell me what actually happens NOW YOU IMBECILE"

You put your hands on the sides of Draco's head and transfer your memory to Draco's ~brain~

~the scene is playing in Draco's head right now~

Draco gets out of your grip and runs out the classroom looking for PanCY tHe pUg fACe to make sure she's alright.

--time skip--

You finish all your classes and you do all your homework work and the things you would do on a daily basis. That's when someone knocks on your door YOU OPEN IT OBVIOUSLY and it's just another Slytherin telling you that there is going to be a party in the Slytherin common room. (Keep in mind that it's December and this is your last week before Christmas break✨) you accept the invitation and start packing some things here and there for your trip back to your ~home~

I am truly sorry for not posting. I will try to write as many chapters as I can.

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