Chapter 6

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By the way, the youtube video is to set the mood <3Leave some ideas, please...

You wake up and it's 6 in the morning.."bloody hell, why did I have to wake up at this time" I said.
You rub your eyes until your vision isn't so blurry anymore.

"That's better"

You turn to look at hope and see her asleep, you go on hopes phone since you forgot your phone in your room.

After a few minutes of playing on hopes phone, you get up to go to your dorm to get ready for the day


After you got went to the great hall to eat breakfast. once you entered the great hall you noticed that there were no people. Then you smiled at the thought in your head. You got your phone out and put your headphones on. "Claudo te" you chanted a sealing spell to the great hall doors so no one can come in. You ran around the great hall laughing and singing along to the music you played on your head phones.


After having fun in the great hall you heard knocks on the doors, you took off your head phones walking towards to doors. You put your ear against the door

"Who ever is in there open these doors this instant or you will get detention"

You widened your eyes and did a few spells

"Invisique" (invisibility spell)

"Phasmatos Siprum" (undo sealing spell)

Once you undid the sealing spell loads of students and teachers barged in to see what was going on and why the door was locked.
Once everyone came in you quickly ran out of the great hall to go find Hermione.


"AGHHHHH what was that who's there?Harry if that's you I will make sure to beat you up until your bloody soul leaves your body" Hermione yells.

"Bloody hell Hermione calm down it's me"

~You undid the invisibility spell~

"Oh my jeez Y/N don't do that to me again!" Hermione said letting out a sigh escape from her lips

"Ok ok I won't i don't want my bloody soul to leave my body" you said laughing with Hermione

"Wanna go eat breakfast?" Hermione said

"Yeah, oh I have something to tell you I'm not sure you'll be happy about it but let's go find Harry and Ron first."

~you tell the golden trio what happend in the great hall~


"Oh my lord Y/N you could've gotten into serious trouble!" Hermione said

"That's wicked!" Ron said

"Invite me next time, I'm sure that would really make my mornings better" Harry said laughing

"Ok I know I could've gotten into serious trouble but I did some spells"

"And I'm guessing you used one of your own spells?"

"I-...mayb-..yeah i did but i didn't get caught at least be happy about that hermione!"

"Fineee I'll let it slide."Hermione said smiling

"Alright then let's get to class.."

"UGHHHH" ron and Harry said annoyed

"Come on guys let's go on we go!"


Authors note: I had no idea what to put in this chapter so I made this ^

Also I'm so sorry it's very detailed. Comment if you want to keep it this way or just go straight to the point..if you know what I mean

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