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you have one new message from jhobi96!

jhobi96: hey seowoo can I ask you something?

seouwu77: is it about physics again?😂

jhobi96: not really
jhobi96: kinda

seouwu77: what is it then?

jhobi96: well I wanted to thank you and repay you for giving me our homework
jhobi96: I'm really thankful so
jhobi96: I thought I could buy you some pancakes?
jhobi96: only if you want of course !!
jhobi96: sorry if it's too awkward...

seouwu77: I mean you don't have to
seouwu77: but if you insist....

jhobi96: hahaha
jhobi96: if you don't want to it's okay

seouwu77: no I want to
seouwu77: just say when and where and we can meet

jhobi96: that's great!!!



I thought hobi would just wait on forever

out boy thinks he's smooth

but we all know he practiced what to say a billion times before sending that message

xoxo s.k.

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