11 2 2

( this is not a texting chapter I wanted to explain the story fully so you could understand the feelings and the discussions better. the reason I chose to write dianes chapter like this is because she's the main character. also it's in third person pov so you get to see both sides aren't I a genius? or should I say a jinius???👀👀)


Seokjin and Diane where now in Diane's bedroom, staring at each other waiting for someone to speak up first. The silence filling the room felt suffocating, especially since Diane missed Seokjin so much for the last few days. She was mad, that was a given, but that didn't make her any less worried about her friend and why he didn't contact her all that time.

Seokjin was terrified to speak to Diane. She was the first friend he ever made, his best friend forever, the one who would always stick up for him and laugh at his jokes no matter how dumb they were. Diane was the person who was always there for him whenever and wherever he needed her. So how could he tell her? How could he hurt her like that?

He had spent the past few days figuring out ways to explain how much he needed to leave, how much he needed an escape. He felt suffocated, hopeless, as if he was walking but never getting to any place, just standing still not making any progress. He felt like the world around him was moving so fast yet he was so slow to catch up missing out on everything that could better his life.

He was the one who suggested the idea of leaving abroad to study to his parents. He explained how he needed a change of scenery. How much he needed to start fresh and fix himself and the parts that felt broken in his heart.

No matter how much he went through though he never stopped loving his dear friends. Nor would he ever forget about them. But how could he tell Diane all that. How could he explain it to her?

Diane was first to break the silence.

"Seokjinie what happened? Why aren't you talking to me? Did I do something wrong? Did I say something that hurt you? Did something happen with your mom?" The worry was evident in her voice, that only made Seokjin sadder.

He shook his head. " You didn't do anything wrong Diane, I'm just a horrible friend."

" You're not a horrible friend Seokjinie, if you would just explain what going on in your mind it would make things so much easier, talk to me, we always used to talk to each other about our problems." She pleaded. She then sat next to Seokjin putting a hand on his shoulder. " You're my best friend, you can tell me anything, you know I won't judge."

" Damn Diane you're making this really hard for me." Tears started filling up Seokjin's eyes. " I wish I could say this in a better way but I can't, you'll get hurt anyway."

Diane noticed the tears in Seokjin's eyes and she instantly got worried.

" Are you sick? Is someone in your family sick?" He shook his head.

" I'm leaving" he then whispered.

" You're going home? You just came here though. You didn't even tell me what's wrong the hell you're not."

" No Diane you don't understand, I'm leaving. As in the country. I'm going abroad to study." He said in a louder tone while looking at Diane's face to se her reaction.

Diane's hand fell from Seokjin's shoulder. The silence in the room once again felt suffocating.

Her friend was leaving. Not just her house but the country. He was going to leave her behind and go alone.

" Please tell me you're joking" she said while her voice broke a little.

Seokjin shook his head again. That's when it hit her. That's when the tears finally came out of both friends eyes.

Diane hugged Seokjin.

" Seokjinie why are you leaving me? We said we'd be together forever. I don't want to make you feel bad I love you so much but why are you leaving me here all alone? How am I supposed to survive without you?" She said while sobbing on Seokjin's shoulder.

" Diane I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I love you so much but I have to go. I need to go."

" How? Why? Seokjinie I'm not going to survive this without you... You're my rock,"

" Please let me explain first"

" Please explain, there has to be a reason"

Seokjin explained the whole situation to Diane. How he felt, what he thought and what he ended up deciding to do.

Diane listened very carefully to her friend. She felt horrible for not noticing what her friend was going through, but she understood where he was coming from and she couldn't put herself first this time because she wanted her friend to be happy, he deserved to be happy.

" When are you leaving?"

" In two weeks."

" You won't forget about me will you?"

" Never"

" Promise?"

" Bitch you're my soulmate how will I forget about you"

" Damn bitch we really became those bitches"


Sorry it turned out too emotional... Well what can we do :)

xoxo s.k.

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