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kimhoe78: seokjin just left

seouwu77: oh no
seouwu77: diane I'm so sorry I didn't tell you
seouwu77: it's just that seokjin asked me too
seouwu77: I'm so sorry

kimhoe78: don't worry about it
kimhoe78: I know you didn't do it on purpose
kimhoe78: I feel so horrible right now
kimhoe78: I haven't stopped crying since he left
kimhoe78: what am I going to do without him

seouwu77: im still crying about it too
seouwu77: I feel so stuck right now
seouwu77: I can't do anything about it either
seouwu77: I hate that he's going to leave but I also know that he needs it so we can't really do anything

kimhoe78: I'm going to miss him so much
kimhoe78: I guess we're going to be left alone now

seouwu77: I guess we're stuck for good eh?

kimhoe78: damn I'm stuck with you

seouwu77: and I'm stuck with you

kimhoe78: at least you have a boyfriend
kimhoe78: I have nobody

seouwu77: you would if you finally did something about it
seouwu77: how long are you going to hide diane?
seouwu77: I love you but this is has been going on for too long
seouwu77: I don't think anyone has that much patience.. not even namjoon

kimhoe78: I don't know what to do
kimhoe78: he won't like me seowoo

seouwu77: don't say that
seouwu77: after all he's stuck around for this long already


xoxo s.k.

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